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CatYaaak said:
But what's all this talk about lowering standards? Didn't you say your husband is well-qualified?....Didn't he recently go there?
Absolutely, he saw the potential and chose to give it a try, but when his F16 friend was offered the job they talked and now his friend is flying for AirTran at better pay than NJA offered. If the contract doesn't improve, my husband will leave, and there are others that feel the same way.
Hey Les.....glad to see you are back to contributing to this forum. There is one thing you failed to observe about why we hear from NetJokesWife all the time on flightinfo instead of her hubby. I have a feeling that when he is home, she has him busy doing all the household chores that should have been completed while he was away instead of living on flightinfo. Just my observation.....and I am entitled to it!!!

....and for NetJokesWife....you mentioned that if the pay doesn't increase substantially at NJA, you husband and others will leave for places like AirTran??? HELLO, McFLY!!!! Have you heard about the thousands of pilots who are just as qualified as your hubby, are out of work, and have ALREADY applied to practically every company who is currently hiring.....unless he wants to work for a regional....making the same, or less money.....and working TWICE the duty hours!!

Go Ahead....let 'em all quit if they don't get the money. I know of a bunch of 1000 hour CFI's who are just dying to work for NetJoke....for current wages....don't think this will happen? Sorry, it already is!!
just a point... there might be a ton of 1000 hr cfi's but they can't get hired. It's 2500tt and 500multi. It's in the owners contract and NJA can't change it.

Trust me if they could have lowered the mins they would have a long time ago.
....ok, 2500 hour CFI's, piston cargo pilots, etc.

You know what my point is. There is always someone more eager, educated, younger, and willing to accept a job at NetJoke. Sad, but true.

And I bet Warren will hire them too!
I am not worried about my husband finding a better paying job. Of course I think that NJA could wind up lowering their standards. I have already made that point in another post. There will be negative repercussions from that, however. The owners sold on having the most experienced pilots will cry foul when it becomes apparent that such is not the case, and NJA Captains will find themselves flying with less qualified FOs, thereby working even harder for their subpar wages. They will become dissatisfied and the downward spiral will continue. Frankly, that is a path I don't think the company will want to follow. It will be far easier and smarter to pay the pilots fairly.

My husband had been working the phones to help get bypass pay for 116 FOs; he also works as a volunteer for StrongUnion. TOGETHER we replaced a sliding glass door last time he was home. You're right about housework piling up; I've got to go do some now.

BTW, I thought of some rude versions of your name, too, PseudoName, but decided that I was too smart and polite to go down that path. Keep it up and you'll prove my husband right--he says that you guys aren't worth the time it takes to post here. I choose to give people a chance first. We can discuss the issues or you can be a jerk and wind up on my ignore list. The choice is yours to make.

I'm off to clean the kitchen....:) The board is all yours!
pseudo name your all tooo right. There is allways someone willing to take the job no matter how bad it is. Look at gulfstream. They even have pilots willing to buy their jobs.

At least they can't change the minimums because of their contracts. It helps a little.
netjetwife said:
My husband had been working the phones to help get bypass pay for 116 FOs; he also works as a volunteer for StrongUnion. TOGETHER we replaced a sliding glass door last time he was home. You're right about housework piling up; I've got to go do some now.

BTW, Keep it up and you'll prove my husband right--he says that you guys aren't worth the time it takes to post here. I choose to give people a chance first. We can discuss the issues or you can be a jerk and wind up on my ignore list. The choice is yours to make.

I'm off to clean the kitchen....:) The board is all yours!
Of course your husband is on the phone, you're always hogging the computer.

Also glad to hear there was no foul play involved during the installation of the sliding glass door. It is a good indicator of the patience your husband obviously has.

As far as your "ignore" list, that function is all about you being able to talk, and not have to listen.

Les Paul
netjetwife said:
BTW, I thought of some rude versions of your name, too, PseudoName, but decided that I was too smart and polite to go down that path. Keep it up and you'll prove my husband right--he says that you guys aren't worth the time it takes to post here. I choose to give people a chance first. We can discuss the issues or you can be a jerk and wind up on my ignore list. The choice is yours to make.
Mrs. NetJETWife,

Did I address you correctly? I cannot believe that after all the time you spend on this board, you do not know that NetJets is now often referred to as NetJoke. You actually think I spent the time to think of a rude version of a non important screen name, come on now, name calling?? Get with the program lady!

You want me on your ignore list? Well then, nothing is stopping you, go ahead. By doing so, you have just indicated to me and the rest of the users on this board that what I post on this board has validity and hits home. If it didn't, you would just let my opinion bounce off as everyone else does when there is a disagreement with a posting.

"Yeah the truth hurts.......well, maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle with a seat missing.......but it hurts!", Det. Frank Drebben
Just making sure...

My apology if no disrespect was intended, PseudoName, but it DOES look insulting. There are many good people working hard to make NJA a better place. We are making progress ....a phone call....a post....a vote....at a time. A little understanding and civility would go a long way toward making our job easier.

netjetwife said:
We are making progress ....a phone call....a post....a vote....at a time. A little understanding and civility would go a long way toward making our job easier.
There it is. We have finally boiled this whole thing down to what really is your PROBLEM. You say "OUR JOB". What job exactly are you doing. You don't work at Netjets. Your husband does. You don't VOTE. You're husband does. Sooooo... yell at hubbie to vote no and move on. The people who are from Netjets on this forum all have said they will vote NO. So what MESSAGE are you spreading, other than you are a pathetic, annoying noodge.

All the other people who ACTUALLY WORK at Netjets will also vote, and quite frankly, it none of your d*mn business how they vote. THEY WORK THERE. Once again YOU DO NOT.

Repeat after me:

I will log off the internet.

I will throw all twinkies and bon bons away.

I will get a job doing something economically productive to help me, my hubby, and family.

I will stop spending my hundreds of hours wasted internet fantasy chat arguing with people who don't even work at Netjets or have a VOTE at Netjets, while pretending I'm "Working".

Les Paul

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