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Hawkered said:
Oh Griz...poor Griz!

By the way, your insistence of NJA owner's identity is in contravention of the confidentiality agreement you signed when you came here.

Oh, THAT letter. Even this spineless MEC saw to it that that letter went into the trash and they not try to force it on us again. "The company's definition of confidentiality will prevail" "Should the pilot persue this in court, he'll pay the legal expenses of both parties" "Whereas, whereas Whereas....."

Such a parody of legalese I thought it was a joke when I first saw it.

You have absolutely no legal expertise. It is very apparent.

The agreement is very enforcable and it is still part of the new-hire indoctrination.
Hawkered said:
Anyway, we'll see about the T/A, I think it's in the bag!

I'm afraid it'll be a lot closer than Griz thinks, but 1000+ petitions to bolt from 284 is a good sign

Hawkered said:
Oh, one more thing, how'd you get so screwed up like that loading bags in NJ? Not a pre-existing condition is it?

Ever since they started putting wheels on the bags, they've been getting heavier. OSHA would have a field day here. No way to lift with your legs going up a ladder. Bid the 800XP, just a suggestion.

AND, No more bags in the aisle, please! We don't need to hear about how the last crew let them carry the skis in the cabin.

Sorry folks, the rest of your bags are going via FedEx
Completely in agreement with this last post!

Thanks, you've restored my faith in people's ability to see the line in the sand and not cross it!
Hawkered said:

You have absolutely no legal expertise. It is very apparent.

The agreement is very enforcable and it is still part of the new-hire indoctrination.

You moron, they sent that same letter to people who had been here for years claiming it wasn't found in our files during an audit. There never was an audit,they made that up, it wasn't at my indoc., we were told to trash it. I, on the other hand, framed mine.

Go back under your rock!
Hawkered said:

You have absolutely no legal expertise. It is very apparent.

The agreement is very enforcable and it is still part of the new-hire indoctrination.

And another thing, ever hear of ex post facto laws?
Griz said:
No, it's your head in the bag...or somewhere else dark. Over 1050 pilots so far have felt so strongly about the current situation that they've signed petitions to remove ourselves from Local 284. That's a pretty major step in the middle of contract negotiations. How many more are unwilling to take that step but are still voting against this TA? 300? 400? You really are living in a dream world if you think this TA is going to pass

And they did this w/o having the petition mailed to them

You might want to call Human Resources and ask what the number one workplace related injury is among pilots at NetJets. I’ll give you a hint – back injury. Ask how many have required multiple surgeries to fix the problems. I've already had one and another is coming up. Lastly, ask how many of our pilots have had to have spinal fusions. The answers might surprise you. I honestly hope that what's happened to me never happens to another person at NetJets. A stronger training program on back injury has been started but policies need to be put into place that helps prevent this from happening to anyone else.

Griz said:
Hawk..I'm done discussing this with you unless and until you have the courage to step out from behind the screen name. You've not raised any valid points and have resorted to attacking me personally because you know that your agenda is failing. It's obvious to anyone watching what is going on. You really undermine what little respect people have for your point of view when you act like a child not getting his / her way.

Like to see him step out and call me a moron. The ad hominen attacks show he's already lost the argument
In defense of Griz -

Hawk -- in defense of Griz (why I don't know) he never wanted to "out" me. He just wanted by PM any of my name, my name the share is in, my contract number or my customer service phone number. All of which identify me and only me and I am not willing to share any of this info. He did send me his home number and I left a message. We haven't spoken. I do not need to actually "prove" myself to anyone on this board (Griz -- quote line, insert "troll" response here).

That being said, I think the genesis of the "comments about owners policy" started after someone at NetJets (it may have been sales and not a pilot) mentioned to a reporter about the great service to owners, even as far as having a Big Mac ready for Tiger Woods when he gets on the plane. Coincindentially, the article appeared while Tiger was in a slump and questions were raised about his eating habits and health.

Fly safe.

To quote you: Griz on 10-02-04 - Where is NJAOwner? thread:

You're the one making claims about an being owner..not me. Unless and until, you're willing to put up proof, you're just another troll in my book.

sorry I am not good with the proper "quoting technique".

Apology accepted in advance.

Read my posts without being judgmental. My posts and agenda have not been "company driven". In fact they are "owner driven". I just don't agree with all some of you have said, but have strongly advocated better compensation and ways to accomplish that goal without alienating the owners.
Dear NJA Owner,

It is certainly not anything against you, it's just that there are too many suspicious things going on here. How does a retired man with a broken back, working as a first officer on a business-jet think he's worth six figures? Who's paying for that? Why was a union message board allowed to be "run" and let me also say, "run away" the way it has it in the last three years? We had people getting into debt, way out of control and promising their spouses this and that....and look at them now. Broken men and women with the rug they built for themselves pulled out from beneath their feet!

These are the same people that will blame the union, it's MEC, the company and even the owners for their demonstrably low levels of personal responsibility. These are the same people that bought the union Kool-Aid that now chant in unison, "Strong Union dot org...Strong Union dot org..Strong Union dot org!"

These people are followers, not leaders. The company doesn't need them, you don't need them and I don't need them.

Simon Cowell of "American Idol", fame made a fortune just by telling the truth.

Here you can get it for free!
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