It's time to get over it man! You led a charge on the message board that got peoples expectations up. The same with the other dozen or so that post and post adnauseum. You guys think you represent the majority.
You don't!
Your loyalty to the MEC was made a mistake, get over it!
In the meantime, get better soon, I really mean it. I had no idea it was that bad and feel like crap now for bringing it up! I was told you were milking the're obviously not.
I agree with Crawdaddy about the bags, they're getting bigger every week. Something should be done about it!
It's time to get over it man! You led a charge on the message board that got peoples expectations up. The same with the other dozen or so that post and post adnauseum. You guys think you represent the majority.
You don't!
Your loyalty to the MEC was made a mistake, get over it!
In the meantime, get better soon, I really mean it. I had no idea it was that bad and feel like crap now for bringing it up! I was told you were milking the're obviously not.
I agree with Crawdaddy about the bags, they're getting bigger every week. Something should be done about it!