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It's time to get over it man! You led a charge on the message board that got peoples expectations up. The same with the other dozen or so that post and post adnauseum. You guys think you represent the majority.

You don't!

Your loyalty to the MEC was misplaced...you made a mistake, get over it!

In the meantime, get better soon, I really mean it. I had no idea it was that bad and feel like crap now for bringing it up! I was told you were milking the system...you're obviously not.

I agree with Crawdaddy about the bags, they're getting bigger every week. Something should be done about it!
Bags & Expectations

Bags. I'll admit, I have been guilty on the bags front. A few years ago I bought a few of the new, larger bags. While they hold more, they do weigh a ton. And it is worse, since I am a very effcient packer. I can repack 2 bags done by my wife into one. I have gotten nailed on commercial flights for weight. However, I take them out of the car (not the pilots) and I help pick them up to get them in the cargo area.

Expectations. Most people in the world feel s-crew-ed when expectations are not met, no matter how wild the expectations are. If your 7 year old is expecting a PlayStation for X-mas and only gets a GameBoy, he feels let down. If you expect an incredible meal at a restaurant and only get a great one, you feel let down. If Wall Street analysts expect a company's earnings to go up by 50%, and they only deliver a 45% increase (which is incredible), the stock gets punished badly. It is all about whether expectations are met. More important in the process is controlling the expectations. If analysts only expect a 5% increase in earnings and the company delivers 7%, the stock price increases. Strange huh?? -- 45% increase stock goes down, 7% increase stock goes up.

I have absolutely no idea what happened with the contract. What I can glean from being on this board is that expectations were not met. I am not opining as to the reasonableness of the expectations or placing blame on why they were not met. Just they were not met and people are mad.

And you can't spend what you don't have (or it is troublesome if you do). I would love a share in a C-X or a G-200 or Falcon. I do expect the earnings of my companies to increase over the next few years. But when my contract was up for renewal within the past year, I re-upped in the Excel. Didn't spend what I didn't have yet. Same principle applies at all levels.

Fly safe.
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Excuse me--did I hear my name?

Hawkered said:
NJA Owner, you will notice the same people posting over and over again. Netjets Wife's husband is a first officer. Despite his much publicised skills, his job description is, "to assist the captain". Sorry guys, you don't get the big bucks when you don't even sign a piece of paper.

Quite frankly, I am sick of the whining! You guys and girls that are sobbing here might be reminded that there are plenty of votes to go around and if you didn't get one, call the offices and get another.
The Hawke
Hawkered, how often in this industry does a pilot get to start out as Captain? But then, my husband flies for NJA--famous for having 2 CAPTAINS in every plane! And that's not REALLY a lie. The lowly paid FOs DO have the credentials, after all. So do tell us ...how much should the FO be paid for his "assistance"? And exactly how many "big bucks" do YOU get for signing "a piece of paper"? For that matter, how long did YOU spend at FO pay?

Quite frankly, you're as bad as the MEC--you just don't get it! Actively working to better one's condition through strong, unified, efforts has everything to do with guts and integrity and nothing at all to do with plaintive crying. Why don't you tell our owner here, all about how the company decided to give 116 FOs bypass pay because they got tired of hearing them whine?! LOL You must have ESP, Hawke, the MEC ballot STILL hasn't shown up. Good advice on calling the office. That call HAS been made, but it WASN'T to Local 284.
We don't have two captains in every plane, even when two captain qualified crew are assigned there is still only one captain.

The F/Os don't do FAR 135.299 rides. Lots of people have failed upgrade.
Hawkered said:
two captain qualified crew are assigned
Qualified \Qual"i*fied\, a. 1. Fitted by accomplishments or endowments.

Syn: Competent; fit; adapted.

Usage: Qualified, Competent. Competent is most commonly used with respect to native endowments and general ability suited to the performance of a task or duty; qualified with respect to specific acquirements and training.

In other words, my husband, and the other FOs could just as easily "sign the paper"; they lack the authority, NOT the skill.

It is common knowledge that companies which fail to pay well enough to attract/retain qualified workers have two options: increase the pay or lower the standards. Who would you rather fly with, an FO equally qualified to be the captain, or one less able to pull their weight in the cockpit?
netjetwife said:
Qualified \Qual"i*fied\, a. 1. Fitted by accomplishments or endowments.

Syn: Competent; fit; adapted.

Usage: Qualified, Competent. Competent is most commonly used with respect to native endowments and general ability suited to the performance of a task or duty; qualified with respect to specific acquirements and training.

In other words, my husband, and the other FOs could just as easily "sign the paper"; they lack the authority, NOT the skill.

It is common knowledge that companies which fail to pay well enough to attract/retain qualified workers have two options: increase the pay or lower the standards. Who would you rather fly with, an FO equally qualified to be the captain, or one less able to pull their weight in the cockpit?
No doubt Hawkered is thankful that you've enlightened him on how the system works, and what having a type-rated F/O means. His 9800 hours indicates he's a relative newbie to flying and probably has a base of aviation knowledge akin to..say..a social group consisting of non-flying, pilot's wives?

And with such little experience, I'm sure he never knew that getting a type-rating or passing a check-ride is in part a demonstration of flying skill and ability that makes one qualified to do certain job-related things...you know, competency. With only 9800 hours, what are the odds that he's ever been a Captain flying with a type-rated F/O, been a type-rated F/O himself, or been in a situation where he's sitting in the right seat while at the same time possessing more experience than the pilot in the left?......slim, no doubt! I'm sure his lack or response has something to do with him pondering the stunning revalations you've exposed him to here (indeed to all of us) and the uniqueness of your husband's situation.

But what's all this talk about lowering standards? Didn't you say your husband is well-qualified?....Didn't he recently go there?
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netjetwife said:
Hawkered, how often in this industry does a pilot get to start out as Captain? But then, my husband flies for NJA--famous for having 2 CAPTAINS in every plane! And that's not REALLY a lie. The lowly paid FOs DO have the credentials, after all. So do tell us ...how much should the FO be paid for his "assistance"? And exactly how many "big bucks" do YOU get for signing "a piece of paper"? For that matter, how long did YOU spend at FO pay?

Is this woman STIL spending 24 hour a day on this forum, typing 250 words per minute?!! She was yapping 500 miles a minute the last time I was on this forum several weeks ago.

Lady... for crying out loud get a LIFE!! My goodness, what is your problem? Actually it is apparent what your problem is... but please.... WE GET YOUR POINT already!! Let someone else have a chance to make their point. You don't have to live on flightinfo.

Why don't you let your husband speak for himself. There is NOTHING worse than when people run around constantly speaking for others like you seem to be doing 24x7 on the internet. You are not helping your pity party thats for sure.

Okay... here goes. Your husband is underpauid. Netjets is a terrible company for treating and paying its pilots what they pay them. They should be punished and forced to pay.

Starting pay of $70,000 for FO's and $120,000 for Captains, with a minimum day off guarantee of 20 days a month.

100% match 401(k), and full profit sharing, even in years of losses.

All pilots should get retro pay, and signing bonus, and a new Cadillac.

Full company paid medical and dental and life insurance, and all mortagages and rent will be paid by the company.

Netjetswife husband is awarded "Pilot of the Decade" at an awards ceremony at the White House. In that ceremony they will play the CVR and FDR computer generated graphic of of his famed "Landing on a 3000 ft strip in the Mountains" that Netjetswife is brags about.

Netjetswife will rub elbows with VIP's, and cry as she is awarded "Mother of the Masses" by the Presidents Wife, while America the Beautiful is played by the Marine Corps Band.

Are you happy now!! WE agree with you. We get your point... now please back away from the addiction.

Les Paul

Les Paul --very good. But she would still be unhappy .. they delivered the wrong color Cadillac.

Fly safe.
Les Paul said:
...All pilots should get retro pay, and signing bonus, and a new Cadillac.

Full company paid medical and dental and life insurance, and all mortagages and rent will be paid by the company.

Netjetswife husband is awarded "Pilot of the Decade" at an awards ceremony at the White House. In that ceremony they will play the CVR and FDR computer generated graphic of of his famed "Landing on a 3000 ft strip in the Mountains" that Netjetswife is brags about.

Netjetswife will rub elbows with VIP's, and cry as she is awarded "Mother of the Masses" by the Presidents Wife, while America the Beautiful is played by the Marine Corps Band....
What, no company-supplied comfort girls on RONs?
The following persons post is being hidden because I am too intimidated to allow this person to type words that will offend or even hurt me.
CatYaaak said:
I see that CatYaaak posted a reply. As much as I would love to be able to read his reply, unfortunately, Griz has chosen to ignore me, so I am ignoring Griz, but now Griz has chosen to ignore CatYaaak, so I must ignore CatYaaak because if Griz is ignoring him, and ignoring me, and I'm ignoring Griz, it only makes sense to ignore CatYaaak.

Get all that?

Its a good thing those words can no longer hurt me!

Les Paul

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