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Fuel Price

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As far as I know, our owners will pay a fuel surcharge if the price goes over a set amount.
mike said:
What effect does the higher fuel price have on your operation?
Haven't you seen the T/A? Its coming out of the pilots pay now.
Fuel Prices

We just received a letter stating that in lieu of charging us the fuel surcharges, if the contract passes, the Company would use the money saved from pilot raises to offset increases in the fuel surcharges.

Only joking .. but I know some on this board think that somehow it comes out of the pilots $$$.

Fly safe.
NJAowner said:
We just received a letter stating that in lieu of charging us the fuel surcharges, if the contract passes, the Company would use the money saved from pilot raises to offset increases in the fuel surcharges.

Only joking .. but I know some on this board think that somehow it comes out of the pilots $$$.

Fly safe.
Aw c'mon...don't tell them you're joking. Let 'em run with it!
NJA Owner

I think you've been pretty patient with us, and quite frankly, I have no problem believing you're an NJA owner.

Some of us are too busy at work to be sitting back on disability, confronting people all day long on a computer.

I have been flying for 21 years, have been an airline captain, part of an airline training department and flown charter and instruction. You might have noticed..I don't complain about the company.

The truth is, many people came here with completely unrealistic expectations about what kind of salary a high fixed cost operation like NJA could deliver.

The union message board ran awash with completely out of control statements like, "We're all getting 150k a year and 100 k in retro, man!" Yeah, like that will ever happen. We are now living in the very near future with 737 pilots at USAir making only $100 k a year, if they don't go out of business first.

NJA Owner, you will notice the same people posting over and over again. Netjets Wife's husband is a first officer. Despite his much publicised skills, his job description is, "to assist the captain". Sorry guys, you don't get the big bucks when you don't even sign a piece of paper.

Quite frankly, I am sick of the whining! You guys and girls that are sobbing here might be reminded that there are plenty of votes to go around and if you didn't get one, call the offices and get another.

Griz, you came on as a moderator when you were still on probation. You try hard to control the outcome of the vote, when clearly you have not acted impartially. I suggest you step down from that position.

To NJA Owner: The message board is dominated by the same 25 guys who post with continual repetition. They do not represent most of us who came here to enjoy the flying and meeting folks like you!

The Hawke
Oh Griz...poor Griz!

So you want to "out" NJA owner and everyone else for that matter...it seems that YOU have chosen the wrong forum!

By the way, your insistence of NJA owner's identity is in contravention of the confidentiality agreement you signed when you came here. Mr Santulli has published a letter to airmen stating such opinions about our owners, published on a public forum are grounds for dismissal.

You are riding on the razors edge there buddy!

So when are you coming back to work?
No...I'm not upset in the slightest. I am one of the ones you get so mad about that actually have my own money.

Anyway, we'll see about the T/A, I think it's in the bag!

Oh, one more thing, how'd you get so screwed up like that loading bags in NJ? Not a pre-existing condition is it? Sounds like you did a lot of time in aerobatic instruction.

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