Disclaimer, I am in NO way praising my new boss. He is what he is.
RAH does not have any agreements or contracts with DAL, or UAL, or anybody.
Republic, one of several certificates within Republic Airlines Holdings (RAH), has an agreement with DAL.
Shuttle America, another certificate within RAH, has an agreement with UAL.
Chautauqua, another certificate within RAH, has an agreement with other airlines.
There is no violation of any "non-compete clause". Each certificate is complying with each of their agreements. The fact that each certificate is wholly owned by the same Holding company is irrelevant.
Yeah, right...
If this were the case, why was "ASA Holdings" (I know-it didn't exist, but easily could have with $27 and a call to Legal Zoom) not allowed to buy 737s, or even buy ValueJet entirely -and just hold them as a "wholly-owned subsidiary?" They of course could have competed directly against DAL in ATL.
I understand that something in the scope clause specifically prevented this from happening-although I am not privy to the specifics. My understanding of DCI scope is that it normally attaches similar restrictions to the parent company to those which are attached to the specfic subsidiary which does the contract work. It really would pointless to do otherwise.
-I have no idea how DAL is putting up with the crap RAH is pulling.
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