Actually, chqflyer, MANY of us *do* have a pretty good idea "about some of the demeaning working conditions over [there] in rj land."
This is a significant breakdown in *your* understanding of *our* position in this whole mess. Most of us have been there and done that. Personally, I progressed through 2 fee for departure carriers before being hired at Frontier. Yes, I worked for Jonathan Ornstein. You can't tell me much about crappy regional working conditions that I haven't already experienced first hand.
I never expected to fly an Airbus or a Boeing when I went to Mesa *without first* quitting my job, successfully interviewing for a new job, resigning my seniority, sitting reserve, etc.
I just want to keep the job I worked for. What are you looking for?
I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not at all interested in "stealing" your job. I've been around long enough to know the rules of play as far as career progression. 99% of the folks in rj land are simply biding their time until a better job comes along. That doesn't mean we have to be happy with being treated like crap while here. There's no shame in trying to improve ones working conditions. Ideally, once real airlines start hiring again, most regionals will go away. Where are they going to find the warm bodies to fill the seats?