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From Apaad We Won!!

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You know who got screwed. Every young pilot that sacrificed what they are worth today for the carrot "promised" tomorrow.
Just refuse to fly with anyone over 60 for safety reasons.

You'd probably be terminated from your company for age discrimination. ALPA won't help you because they're the ones who supported it in the first place.


You're "retirement" will come earlier than most.

So sorry, but you'll have to fly the rest of your career with a chip on your shoulder and a sore anus.
I agree with the majority of pilots on this board, and the overwhelming majority of ALPA pilots. ALPA has blatantly ignored its membership and let us down. The extension of retirement age will do irreparable damage to our labor force long term. Contract leverage will be instantly reduced, existing pensions will be further damaged, career advancement for F/O's and seniority advancement for everyone will be degraded. These are the immediate and tangible issues, which don't begin to address the body fatigue and health issues of an admittedly experienced, but undoubtedly tired portion of the pilot group. Our group as a whole is already pushed to extremes by our current FAA duty limits and the continued efforts of crew scheduling to be more efficient. Current pilot mortality rates exceed that of the population, they aren't going to improve by flying after age 60.

Understanding that there are pilots who are benefited by the change, they are severely outnumbered by those who are adversely affected.
The language of this legislation calls for review in 2 years. If you flood your airline with ASAP/FSAP reports and if you need to, fill out a NASA report separately, also report to the FAA any and all issues you encounter on the line with pilots over 60, perhaps they'll rethink the rule in 2 years despite of what the rest of the world with REAL pilot shortage is doing.

That's when it'll come out - there are not enough pilots abroad, hence to ensure their own economic growth, they have to bend the safety rule a tad.

We have plenty of younger, healthy, well-qualified pilots - we don't have to bend any safety standards.

Nice. Take bonafide and effective safety programs and distort them for personal gain. Even if this would work the way you hope, what's to stop the older pilots from doing the same in retaliation?

If you do attempt this it will be readily transparent to your safety team that indiscriminate ASAP reports are being filed and my guess is the only one feeling any negative results will be you.
Since Bush could never sustain a veto with the kind of margins present on this bill, my guess is he will allow the bill to become law without his signature. That takes a few days if memory serves.
The House voted and the Senate passed it with "unanimous consent" no names/ numbers of votes just NO one that was there "objected" to the "unanimous consent" that is not a veto proof method of passage....If Bush wants to thumb his nose at the Congress and unions he can veto and force a "counted vote"....imo not likely but Bush is unpredictable when it comes to "union favors"....

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