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For those that want to "vote and get it over with" at SKYW

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We care what you think because we know what you do will effect us. Like it a or not we are all in this together. What Skywest pilots do effect us. and vice versa. With ALPA we have more control over what that effect is...

for example.. Skywest pilots are enjoying increased safety rules with LAHSO. What the FAA wanted and what was safe were two different things. The agreed upon version was done by ALPA. Again ALPA works for all pilots, even Skywest.

There is strength is Unity. We know that if Skywest pilots come to ALPA we will be even stronger and more effective.

It is not about you. Or us. It is about We.

Very nicely put.........now why can't that tool bag EMBDRV be a bit more diplomatic like this? I swear, I was totally pro-alpa before he started cheer leading for them.............still will vote though
This is actually good news and can help the case for a raise for everyone. Now for a few questions. Is this ruiling final or can the appeals go on and on forever? What about the people who quit but worked some of the time under the old payrates? Do the ones who quit get their money back or only the ones still at the property? Mesa has had one grievance going on since 2003 and still going. The company lost and has refused to pay, nothing has happened thus far. Lets say the company refuses to pay what happens next? Can they actually be forced to pay? So far Mesa has not paid and appears to just keep appealing the process. I think these are important questions for everyone to see.

To answer your questions:

Is the ruling final? Yes. The only negotiation left is a timeline to reimplement the old contract and calculate retro.

Any pilot who was affected is entitled to retro, whether still on the property, only here for a short time, or left before this ruling.

Mesa Grievance? I don't exactly know the particulars, but I believe the original ruling was before the old MEC was recalled (AH days). The new MEC has to pick up the pieces and move it forward, but I am sure they will get a satisfactory resolution. I believe their next step is a court order, followed by a bench warrant for JO, then fines and penalties against MESA and JO until the award is resolved. So even they will have a resolution, albeit later rather than sooner.

Yes, they can be forced to pay. See above.

Just so you know, AWAC recieved WAY more than what our 1.95% dues are to fight this injustice. So again, when you say the problem with ALPA is that the regionals don't get their money's worth, that's just not true. We get our money's worth, and then some.


And by SkyWest being one of the few airlines not asking it's pilot group for concessions

Hey POO4brains,
SkyWest pilots weren't asked for concessions. SGU didn't have to ask. They just imposed them. Ready reserve and PBS are examples of management imposed concessions. 50-99 seat pay for a couple of years past expiration of the TA is more BS.
Don't you have something to do in dispatch?
Very nicely put.........now why can't that tool bag EMBDRV be a bit more diplomatic like this? I swear, I was totally pro-alpa before he started cheer leading for them.............still will vote though


To sum up what use to be here....
Wow. That wasn't Nice. I don't like you.

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Skywest pilots could have helped the "case for a raise for everyone" recently, especially given the large company profits, but you yourself have said on many occasions you are unwilling to bear the burden of lifting the bar for other pilot groups by fighting for industry-leading pay. Even after all that, you state once again that you are willing to ride on the coattails of ALPA union pilots so that you might get a payraise.

When is it gonna be HelloNewman's turn to fight to raise compensation across the industry? The answers to your questions will come in the next 14 days.

BTW, you're welcome.

Hey if it goes through I will be as happy as anyone else. Yes I would have to say what you said is true. Me and my fellow skywest pilots do not want to be the bar raisers. There is nothing wrong with that, some are followers and some are leaders. I think it is best for job security that we follow the industry leading contracts to help shape our own pay structure. Trying to go out and raise the bar is simply too risky.
SkyWest pilots weren't asked for concessions. SGU didn't have to ask. They just imposed them. Ready reserve and PBS are examples of management imposed concessions. 50-99 seat pay for a couple of years past expiration of the TA is more BS.
Don't you have something to do in dispatch?

1. Most large airlines (with unions) have some sort of ready reserve

2. The scheduling survey that was sent out to the pilots recently indicated that the high majority was happy with PBS and given the chance to go back to hard lines would prefer PBS, approx 70% sent back surveys, 85% prefered PBS.

3. I recently had a anniversary with the company, and flew the 700 on a trip, compared to last december my pay went up over eight bucks an hour, nearly 10% (longevity+ 1% + 5%)

I guess that's a lot to be unhappy with.
1. Most large airlines (with unions) have some sort of ready reserve

2. The scheduling survey that was sent out to the pilots recently indicated that the high majority was happy with PBS and given the chance to go back to hard lines would prefer PBS, approx 70% sent back surveys, 85% prefered PBS.

3. I recently had a anniversary with the company, and flew the 700 on a trip, compared to last december my pay went up over eight bucks an hour, nearly 10% (longevity+ 1% + 5%)

I guess that's a lot to be unhappy with.

PBS has meant less days off and lower credit for the month every month since we switched from hard lines...
I'm glad everything is swell for you! However, some of us have not had a longevity increase for a long time, and no COLA either... The 700 flies into and out of our domicile and even overnights here, but we can't bid it because crews junior to us are doing all the flying in and our of our base in the 700
(longevity 0% + no 700 or 900 flying 0% + 1% for the last 6 1/2 +next 4 years = 1% for 10 1/2 years)!
PBS has meant less days off and lower credit for the month every month since we switched from hard lines...
I'm glad everything is swell for you! However, some of us have not had a longevity increase for a long time.

You should probably take some time and learn PBS.

Longevity raises occur every year.
I'm not saying its the best alternative, but just like the two-party system in US Government, you keep a collective balance instead of tipping the scale one way all of the time. Also hypothetical, is the reality that if all airlines were ALPA, then all airlines might gang up on ALPA until all pilots are taking concessions. One ALPA group falls and the rest fall with it. And the case could also be stated that just the opposite would happen. Where are airlines pay their pilots $5,000,000 an hour. And everyone is hunky-dorey.

Again, it's the non-union airlines that keep things balanced, so that neither ALPA nor the airlines gain too much momentum either way on the aforementioned scale of 'destiny.'

Nice flawed logic.

I guess in World War II the United States should have fought with Great Britain in order to defeat the Germans faster.
I'll blame PBS! Vacation/User time request- All denied for the last 12 months ! Seems we never have anyone to cover you that day Sir. People are maxing out their vacation hours here and not by frigging choice! Not to mention "Forced Flying"

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