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For those that want to "vote and get it over with" at SKYW

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SKYNaG, NewWoman, and xpoo Wow...your all fine pieces of work.

PBS= more money for management = pilot pay stays the same

Let everyone know that PBS was made up software from some tech unit in south st. george. Someone who knew Jerry's uncles, brothers kids. They are good with computers and one has some flame in him. PBS is only friendly to those who wish to have a mix of trips and in the top 3rd. IF you want a different day off during the month so they can go to a birthday party, then Pbs is great. PBS just allows you to work just as hard and get those 2 extra days off for birthdays that hardlines wouldnt alllow because they don't give time off under either system. PBS is a concession and we don't even have anything to show for it. Get real! At least run pbs concurrently with some real Major airline pbs software instead of the no name brand dog ********************ee!
If you think that crappy overide for the block time in the 700 and 900 is a tit for a tat you are a bigger idiot than I thought. Will all you newbe wanabe pilots at skywest it is no wonder you will bend over for anything mgmt wants to give you. Stand up for your rights and get a life SCABS

Scabs? Maybe you should look up the meaning of that word up before you go tossing it around. Is someone on strike that we aren't aware of?
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1. Most large airlines (with unions) have some sort of ready reserve

2. The scheduling survey that was sent out to the pilots recently indicated that the high majority was happy with PBS and given the chance to go back to hard lines would prefer PBS, approx 70% sent back surveys, 85% prefered PBS.

3. I recently had a anniversary with the company, and flew the 700 on a trip, compared to last december my pay went up over eight bucks an hour, nearly 10% (longevity+ 1% + 5%)

I guess that's a lot to be unhappy with.

Half of us got NOTHING @SSHOLE!
If NewWoman was around in the 1990's instead of dreaming about getting his PPL he'd know that SkyWest pilots raised the bar a few times without bankrupting the company. He's a dream employee for SGU. He'd give every one of them a blow job if he could.

When he's a relatively senior captain stuck with 10 days off and 98.15 hours of credit due to inadequate staffing we'll see if he's singing the same tune.

He's off probation now so look out.
The only thing I hate more than PBS is people who claim to like it.

Remember how they said PBS would be great becuase there would be no more Junior Manning? What they really meant to say was that you'd still have to work, but no more extra pay.
Remember when reporting for work before the sun came up meant that you would be done before it went down again?
How many times a month do you have enough time at the hotel to enjoy a beer or two?

Jet pilots get a raise while Brasilia pilots get Nothing?!?!!!!

I'd like to hear the last time a prop guy has had a vacation/drop/personal approved....."we don't have the coverage for that"

A lot of Jet guys won't even talk to Brasilia crews on the van.

Vote for ALPA and you will no longer be a second class citizen.
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statass quo

1. Most large airlines (with unions) have some sort of ready reserve

2. The scheduling survey that was sent out to the pilots recently indicated that the high majority was happy with PBS and given the chance to go back to hard lines would prefer PBS, approx 70% sent back surveys, 85% prefered PBS.

3. I recently had a anniversary with the company, and flew the 700 on a trip, compared to last december my pay went up over eight bucks an hour, nearly 10% (longevity+ 1% + 5%)

I guess that's a lot to be unhappy with.

STAUS QUO?????????????

How many participated in the bloody survey?
Why do we still have ready reserve?
Longevity hardly covers COLA here in de-valued dollarland.....the dollar does not have the buying power it once did. google "amero" if you don't believe

Do you believe longevity should be counted as COLA?

40-50 million a quarter in profits is more than spare change. I think we all know and realize that SGU can afford to be competitive and start spreading around more than a few nickels. If we just start a tip jar in the galley we could easily make more nickels than with the math wizard override. With record profits to start with we have earned a hard raise. BHO is still a somewhat peformance based raise. For starters we should at least get........700 should be plus $5.00/hr 900 should be plus $7.00/hr
PBS was forced on us. I'm still not sure what I think of it. Overall for me it has been ok. But I have some seniority and I'm in a big domicile.

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