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For Those About to Vote/Not Vote ALPA At SkyWest...

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What has alpa done to make mesa airlines training department fair as you describe? Specfically the DHC-8.... I am informed... How or what has alpa done? Not a damn thing.
So you busted your F/O ride at Messa, it's not a big deal, that explains your previous career. You were so bad Messa let you go but SKYW snapped you up and hand held you through the training program. Nice! Explains your blind loyalty to SKYW, I understand now, your skills will not allow you to go anywhere else, so you think you gotta make friends by blowing BH's dog so you could insure you position, as chief dog blower!
So you busted your F/O ride at Messa, it's not a big deal, that explains your previous career. You were so bad Messa let you go but SKYW snapped you up and hand held you through the training program. Nice! Explains your blind loyalty to SKYW, I understand now, your skills will not allow you to go anywhere else, so you think you gotta make friends by blowing BH's dog so you could insure you position, as chief dog blower!
you are such a clueless little girl it makes me laugh!!!!
What has alpa done to make mesa airlines training department fair as you describe? Specfically the DHC-8.... I am informed... How or what has alpa done? Not a damn thing.

Actually, over the years it has improved quite a bit...talk to guys who were their when they had a brazilia program. Ask about GUMBY... maybe you will learn something.
Actually, over the years it has improved quite a bit...talk to guys who were their when they had a brazilia program. Ask about GUMBY... maybe you will learn something.
I was there a long time ago. it has improved but sooooooo slooooooooow its like trying to argue on flightinfo while on dial up...
Its better to grieve a contract violation, than to PIC a policy violation.

So here it goes for those asking about the firings:

The first, my friend was a pilot in the rj, he was left at another base waiting for a delayed airplane that was running 3 hours or so behind.

His captain called crew scheduling and left to catch his commuting flight because they released him from duty. He called crew scheduling and he thought he was told he was also released.

He then changed clothes, and was looking for a way to rent a car to drive to his home, and in the mean time he went to have a beer. Crew scheduling called him because they said they had him still on a ready reserve status. He felt bad about it, and was honest enough to tell them he could not work now because he had a drink already and went on to explain what he thought he was released of duty.

Days later he was terminated. He payed his own ticket to SGU. He thought it was all a big misunderstanding, so he wanted to talk in person with J.B.

He told me B.H got there first and told him J.B will not see him, and if he persued legal action to get his job back, he will make sure no other airline would hire him. He was not given the option to resign either.

I personally flew with him and found him to be a very competent pilot.

My second friend went through all 50 hours of captain IOE in the E120 and was let go.

He was sleep deprived being flown to do training rides at midnight and deadheaded during the day and then do more checkrides at midnight the following day.

He had to redo his type ride. He had three check airman throughout and non of them felt comfortable to sign him off.

Weeks later he was terminated by phone. He was not given the option to resign.

I must say he was a very good pilot, and he trained me in my last job flying a Tailwheel Turboprop Beech 18, and King air 90s. I will always admire his skills, and coolness in the cockpit. He now works happily at another carrier.

Yet another excellent illustration of what so many guys at Skywest have been saying for so long. If you think you are insulated or will be protected at skywest you are wrong. The new guys are thinking all is well, just go to work and all will be ok. That is until the GOTCHA hits, then they try to quickly change their tune but unfortunately it is too late.
Bump. I want new guys who are on the fence to have easy access to this thread. See how Sapa has performed. You can do no worse, in fact you can take much better control of your future with alpa. The choice is yours.
Bump. I want new guys who are on the fence to have easy access to this thread. See how Sapa has performed. You can do no worse, in fact you can take much better control of your future with alpa. The choice is yours.

How has ALPA performed?

After 5 years of negotiations, over half of the pilots at ASA are getting a raise of a dollar or less....

The "signing bonus" is creating some issues as the solidarity falls apart...see the other threads for this....

120% Torque..... the problem is this competing for flying within a brand and ALPA refuses to address this problem.... ALPA isn't the panacea you want it to be....

The ASA and Skywest pilots need to join as one, and ALPA can't deliver that.... If they can't, then we need to join together under another union....
The "signing bonus" is creating some issues as the solidarity falls apart...see the other threads for this....

Hmmmm. I'm trying to remember what kind of signing bonus or back pay we got at Skywest.
Hmmmm. I'm trying to remember what kind of signing bonus or back pay we got at Skywest.

Your 50 seat pilots got paid considerably more than our 50 seat pilots during those 5 years..... Would you rather get the pay up front or wait 5 years to get a signing bonus that doesn't even equal what you would have gotten during those 5 years?

A 50 seat pilot at Skywest will have gotten more than he would have gotten here even with the signing bonus.....
Your 50 seat pilots got paid considerably more than our 50 seat pilots during those 5 years..... Would you rather get the pay up front or wait 5 years to get a signing bonus that doesn't even equal what you would have gotten during those 5 years?

A 50 seat pilot at Skywest will have gotten more than he would have gotten here even with the signing bonus.....
and yet some people still go for alpa????

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