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For Those About to Vote/Not Vote ALPA At SkyWest...

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I dont remember working 6 days in a row, one day off and six days in a row again during hard lines.

please PM me with info on all of these firings.

In my own research talking to CPs, SkyWest fires about 5-7 pilots PER YEAR, including the retards who've been busted for alcohol. The others are for not passing probationary rides, IOE, etc.

I would imagine some of those that are let go for not passing checkrides etc, may fail those rides due to pissing off someone in the training department or managment.
Good points......

However...... even at ALPA carriers, you don't get "COLA"..... The new ASA TA gives 700 pilots a 1% raise. This is a 1% raise after 5 years.... Hardly COLA....

Every one else is only getting 1% per year even though inflation is much more, and like to increase....

Voting in ALPA doesn't guarantee you COLA.... in fact, most ALPA carriers haven't gotten COLA increases and many have taken paycuts.....

You missed the point. Skywest pilots already HAD COLA in place back from the good old days when management really did keep Skywest pilots top of the industry. Sapa gave COLA away without so much as a batted eye and forgot to ask the pilots they represent if that would be ok, which of course it wouldnt be. This has been an ongoing trend for five plus years at Skywest under the reigns of Sapa.
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please PM me with info on all of these firings.

In my own research talking to CPs, SkyWest fires about 5-7 pilots PER YEAR, including the retards who've been busted for alcohol. The others are for not passing probationary rides, IOE, etc.

Your own research? Talking? Research requires documentation! Did you attend college? Take a science course?

In addition, you asked the hangman how many he's hung? Don't you think your "research" will be skewed? That is like asking saddam how many he has killed!
I was greeted today in SFO by ALPA reps. They said that in checking all the records, they found that SKYWEST has fired more pilots in the month of July 2007 than ASA has done throughout the whole year till then.

I have two friends that have gotten fired from Skywest. Both with not so big of issues to be fired by. My major concern is job protection, and a legal binding contract that stands legally in a court of law, that policy manual means nothing to anyone.

We are all "probationary" pilots as long as we all abide by a policy manual, and not a contract.

Exactly how many were fired at SkyWest and how many were fired at ASA and what
were they fired for?

Sadly, the list is a lot longer than your 2 friends...

What do you guys consider fire able offenses?
I would imagine some of those that are let go for not passing checkrides etc, may fail those rides due to pissing off someone in the training department or managment.

Then why don't they throw the book at all the people on the OC and set them up to fail so they can be fired when they come for a checkride? Do you want your familiy on airplanes flown by people who are not passing checkrides or any other part of the training?
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Then why don't they throw the book at all the people on the OC and set them up to fail so they can be fired when they come for a checkride? Do you want your familiy on airplanes flown by people who are not passing checkrides or any other part of the training?

I assume that UAL, Delta, Northwest, Mesaba, ASA, Pinnacle..etc dont want to have passengers on their airplane with pilots that dont pass their checkrides either. But the respected companies have worked with their unions to improve training events to ensure that individuals are given the necessary additional training to make for better captains.

Have you ever questioned the training department and maybe believe it was the training department's fault or training material that caused the failure? Do you have a group that can question the training department? So you support the termination of pilots? Thanks for looking after the interests of the pilots?
I assume that UAL, Delta, Northwest, Mesaba, ASA, Pinnacle..etc dont want to have passengers on their airplane with pilots that dont pass their checkrides either. But the respected companies have worked with their unions to improve training events to ensure that individuals are given the necessary additional training to make for better captains.

Have you ever questioned the training department and maybe believe it was the training department's fault or training material that caused the failure? Do you have a group that can question the training department? So you support the termination of pilots? Thanks for looking after the interests of the pilots?

Questioned the training department, absolutely. But the person I responded to implied that people are failing training or checkrides because someone in management or the training dept has it out for them. I find it hard to believe that that is only reason people are not getting thru training with the number of pilots (both newhires and existing) that have training every year and pass. Most that don't are given additional training in one form or another.

I do not support the termination of pilots, but don't be so naive that you think that every pilot who gets fired is a victim and is not guilty of what they are fired for.
I do not support the termination of pilots, but don't be so naive that you think that every pilot who gets fired is a victim and is not guilty of what they are fired for.

True, but every person terminated needs to have an independent review process with the best available protection and resources. Would you not agree?
I could be wrong but i dont think that SAPA can legally represent you in a hearing. Remember that you are only as good as your last flight. Do you really want to wager your career on that possibility?

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