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The beechjet has the outflow valves in the cockpit floor. Just manually open those babies up alittle when someone farts.
I fly with one captain in particular whom I can't stand. I like to wait until he's asleep (normally after level off) and release the hounds! There's nothing funnier than watching a sleeping man make the bitter beer face, over and over and over....
This guy sounds like a real jacka$$, just tell him to get over himself
Captn said:
I too have has the misfortune of flying with an F/O that could not retain control of his faculties. I had no choice but to fill out a irregular ops report on him. I hated to do this, but it had to be done. Today this former F/O (who by the way, was one of the best I had ever flown with) dumps lav carts for a "Major" carrier. Some people just need to find themselves....

Captn- I hope you kidding bout that- I can't believe you'd write somebody up for that, you should be ashamed, I hope your CP got a good laugh when he read that! It crap like that which make guys bid away from capts like that.
You could always blame it on the dog.
Ok I'm in....
Although disturbing; absolutely, unconditionally one of the most humorous threads I have read. I don't care how old you are a fart is funny, they're like little timeless bubbles of humor. Although there is a time and place for it I don't trust anyone who doesn't find some humor in a discrete fart in a well ventilated area. Besides, it can't be healthy to hold them in!
My nurse let one go the other day in the Lear. He was in the back grinning from ear to ear. That was one anyone should be proud of. We didn't have a patient on board so I closed the H-valve for the rest of the trip. Payback is sweeeeet!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't "MAV" sit up front, not to the right?

Breakfast burrito, extra frijoles please.

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