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SlamClicker said:
I side with the captain. I have this friend that farts anytime or anwhere, just for the hell of it. He makes a special effort to fart and then he laughs like a jackass eating sawbriar like it's funny or something. Makes me so mad I could fight. Farting is not funny nor is burping.

TopGun, if you farted and then laughed I don't blame the captain a bit. Grow up man! Your in an airplane. Excuse yourself to the lav next time or better yet step outside before you fart.

I take it by your reply as well as your user-name, YOU are probably one of the uptight, no-nonsense, never hangs out with the crew types, eh?
I don't know what's more entertaining... the original post of the serious replies that followed!! ROFLMAO!
i was not telling the whole story. I did laugh and was proud of my smells. one of them you could hear in a jungle jet cockpit. i was proud at the time but i regret it now. the jumpseater was revolted by it too.

maverick (jet fo)
TopGun-MAV said:
i was not telling the whole story. I did laugh and was proud of my smells. one of them you could hear in a jungle jet cockpit. i was proud at the time but i regret it now. the jumpseater was revolted by it too.

maverick (jet fo)
(Blue) Flame Bait...
FlyChicaga said:
I don't know what's more entertaining... the original post of the serious replies that followed!! ROFLMAO!

TopGun-MAV said:
i fear for my job and don't now what to do.

Next time you see the captain in question, walk up to him with a big smile on your face and punch him in the kisser.

Nothing says "I'm mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore!" like physical violence.

Then, if you get paraded in front of the muckety-mucks, repeat said action as necessary....continue this behavior until they back off.

Trust me.
I too have has the misfortune of flying with an F/O that could not retain control of his faculties. I had no choice but to fill out a irregular ops report on him. I hated to do this, but it had to be done. Today this former F/O (who by the way, was one of the best I had ever flown with) dumps lav carts for a "Major" carrier. Some people just need to find themselves....
The B767-300 forward lav is unfortunately positioned very close to the CP. Even worse, there's something in the airflow that drags the stench forward. Early morning flights are the worst. Every fat pig is unloading 2 weeks of cruise-ship food, one after another.

The ONLY benefit of this setup is when you absolutely, positively need to sneak one free, you can always say "What the heck was Boeing thinking when they designed the lav and the airflow in this thing?!"

Even worse - relief pilot on a loooooonnnnnggggg haul all-nighter. Sitting back in 1C, trying to read, drink a coke, basically chilling. 90% of the people are asleep, and as everyone knows, one cannot control your slugs when asleep. Depending upon what was for dinner, putrid and rancid comes to mind describing the air in a cabin full of sleepers.

SlamClicker said:
I side with the captain. I have this friend that farts anytime or anwhere, just for the hell of it. He makes a special effort to fart and then he laughs like a jackass eating sawbriar like it's funny or something. Makes me so mad I could fight. Farting is not funny nor is burping.

TopGun, if you farted and then laughed I don't blame the captain a bit. Grow up man! Your in an airplane. Excuse yourself to the lav next time or better yet step outside before you fart.

UHHH!!!! management pay negotiator?????

I would like to personaly sit on your face and play the "FART GAME"

Chill out dude!!!

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