I was gonna shut up, but I just can't stand this. These guys, for their own reasons, possibly ethical, didn't want a union. One got voted in any way, which I applauded. Now, even though they pay dues you guys, fellow pilots, are going after them, because they don't agree with the contract. Even worse, you state that one of the primary reasons is so that you will present a more united front to the company! Let's handcuff these guys, so we can say they are the same as us! We value appearances more than facts. Nice.
These pilots didn't support your fight, because it went against their beliefs, and you are going to publish a list of pilots who might have objected on principle, and didn't want to pay for a fight they didn't believe in. This shows a complete lack of respect for differences of opinion that your fellow pilots might have. Any idea of the democratic process in this union has evaporated. I sure hope you guys never talk about politics or religion in the cockpit.
Remember, someday, we will all, all of us be in the minority. is this how you would like to be treated?
don't tell me that you are any different than management when it comes to strong-arming pilots. I think you're better at it. You have no respect for minority opinion. And don't try to raise the flag. Individuality is dead at Flops. Lockstep guys, lockstep.
You have repeatably stated this isn't your fight and you aren't employed by FLOPS... Right? As a member in good standing at Options I ask you to please refrain from commenting on anything that you have no prior knowledge. Your responses only make you look like an ass. This is our fight and we will fight it to win. Maybe if you spent some time working there you would understand.