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Ticker said:
We had a chance to get some sort of representation just before the merger (at least those who were coming from RTA). But no, things weren't bad enough. We've had over three years since then to get some sort of representation, but no, things still weren't bad enough. At least 50% + 1 of us are getting exactly what we asked for.

Pucker up butter cup! Kool aid all around!!

You're right on that account, but it's all water under the bridge now. Many who did not support unionizing had a problem with the idea of joining the teamsters, (including myself), rather than with the concept of joining a union per se. It was the only option presented to us. We were hoping that something better would come along, and were waiting to see what the IBT did for Netjets before commiting to them. Keep in mind we've had change of leadership 3 times in the past 2 years, each bringing with it a change of style and promises. I know, you can argue we were naive, but the concerns were legitimate. The question now is, where do we go from here? There seem to be 2 categories of Flight Options pilots now; those who are going to leave at the first decent opportunity, and those who will stick it out in the hope of changing the status quo (plus the few so-called kool-aid drinkers who are laughing it up right now). I'm convinced there will be a union before long, but the results won't be evident for a few years. Each pilot has to make a personal decision as to whether it is worth sticking it out. I have decided it isn't worth it for me, and will be gone at the first decent opportunity. It's a shame, because I really thought at first that this is where I would park my career. The company is evidently no longer committed to attracting and keeping the best pilots in the industry. I only hope the owners realize what impact the current changes will have, in the long run, on the quality of the product they are paying for. I suspect they would be willing to pay a little more to ensure they have the best transportation their money can buy!
Pays the limo driver more and do the owners know what we're making. Heard this $hit before. The owners do not care what we, the pilots, are paid. The owner only cares about what it cost to buy in and the monthly management fees.

The owner pays Flight Options, NJA, CS, Flex to take him where he wants to go. He pays these companies to worry about the details. What the pilots are paid is not his concern so he does not care. He is not worried about whether you are on food stamps or not. Remember, these guys are business men are keeping cost down are a major part of theirs lives. Again, the owner is worried about his check book, not yours.
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I was privy to a converstation, second-hand, that an owner had with one of our captains. The owner's position was that "Flight Options' management just doesn't get it." His attitude was that money was not a problem with our owners. The problems stem from not getting the service they expect for what they are paying. He stated that "they think that announcing they are saving money by cutting this and that matters to us. What we want is service, and that is where Flight Options is missing the mark." Our owners are, according to this individual, not "nickel and dimers." I don't know if this attitude is prevalent among the owners, but is an interesting and revealing observation. I wish there was a way the owners could weigh in on the changes that are taking place. We might be surprised by their take on the situation (or disappointed).
wannab0133 said:
do the owners at flops or netjets know the payscales for pilots?

They have no idea. One owner offered me a $50 tip. I gracefully took it, and he said, "It's not much, but it's enough for dinner tonight." I thanked him very much and said any little bit helps. To that he replied, "Well, it's not much compared to your salary, yadda, yadda, yadda." I quit listening after that remark. This particular owner is one I've flown many times on the west coast, and four times that week, so I felt comfortable asking him what he meant by "it's not much compared to your salary." He then told me the salesman who sold him his share told him ALL Options pilots make six figures each year, so you don't need to tip them. I laughed a little, and he asked if that was accurate. I told him I'd be happy making half of something six figures. He was very surprised to say the least. He thought we were taken care of by our company. Very sadly mistaken.....
All the owner stuff is the same thing we heard during the first RTA organization campagin. The RTA guys certainly remember this same story but it was told by a Beech Jet guy transporting an owner into Eagle. Say what ya want about what the owner thinks and what the salesman tells them. The owner is worried about his check book, not yours. The owner is concerned about getting the best deal he can for the best price he can. Just like when you buy a big ticket item.
It's the owners that ultimately drive this company. I do really think that if they were aware of the issues at hand, they just might insist that management change it's course. Maybe I'm being supremely naive, but maybe not. I don't know how one gets the word out, or if they're already aware. But I've got to believe that they, more than most, realize the axiom that "you get what you pay for." If they realize that management is in effect greatly de-valuing each dollar they pay for this service, they just might be a little bit upset. Of course, their solution might just be to switch to Netjets or Flex, or charter, or buy their own aircraft. This is what will ultimately result in the demise of Flight Options, if it eventually becomes extinct. Management will never change it's cherised notions until and if the owners put their foot down. I feel this is the only action that will ultimately prevent the company from going under. It may already be too late to prevent it.
One more point, and then I'll shut up and go to bed. Our owners will never go back to flying the airlines like sardines in a can, subject to layovers with slobs like you and me, delays and cancellations, if there is anything they can do to prevent it. They still have lots of options, but my point is they are willing to spend what it takes for the convenience.
Voice Of Reason said:
Still better to LEAVE then be represented by a trucker's union of thugs.

That would be the thugs representing me so that I can't be forced or coerced to violate the 135 Duty and Rest rules... unlike the policy I saw on someone's Blackberry at the TEB Hilton the other night.
I am sure operating costs will be going up in MX, deicing fluid, fuel, etc.

After all SAFETY IS FIRST as the letter says so Management should have no problem with us spending Extra money just to be sure that everything is SAFE and delaying the owners just to make sure that every i is dotted and every t is crossed and every Reg is met to provide them with the best flying experience they expect.

So when you fly don't forget ------SAFETY over COST ----- always!!!! Spend as much as you need to provide a safe trip to your Pax and more importantly for yourself since it now seems that nobody in management cares about what happens to you and your family.
Owner Campaign

I believe the only people that can influence management is the owners. We should find a covert way to inform as many owners that we the pilots, as a whole, are slowly being stripped of all of the perks that formerly made us happy and willing to work at Options. Perhaps a well written, anonymous letter that could be handed out to pax instead of that **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED**ed comment card. A letter that lets owners know that they can expect an even lower quality of service and subpar effort from the pilots, the workhorses of the company. Once management starts hearing from owners who know what might happen. Could start an interesting war.
here is a quote from VR from a few days ago!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am sure you realize that most pilots everywhere in the industry are b*tching right now no matter where they work. The problem at FLOPS is that the rumor mill tends to lend itself to more doom & gloom than really exists.


So, I guess in light of the recent announcements from the professional management team of Flight Options everything is going to be a okay.

Sorry for the sarcasm guys. I have many friends at Options and it grieves me to see them treated this poorly. Unfortunately there are individuals over there who have had their proverbial head stuck in the sand for some time.........
Perhaps you should ask the pilots of NJA if their very large body of owners have over powered the company phone system offering to pay high rates because of worry over pilot compensation issues within that organization.

I'm sure the phones will begin lighting up once the NetJets pilots start informational picketing at some FBOs next month.

The RLA puts a huge amount of power in management's hands during contract negotiations. They can stall, obstruct and basically make no effort at all to pursue a fair contract. Add to that fact that the previous MEC and leadership at 284 felt that playing patty cake with these guys was the way to go and you easily see how we got where we are.

It is only at the end of the game that a union operating under the RLA has any real power. The pilots at NetJets are only now getting to the end of the game where we can exert pressure on the company. We also have a MEC that is committed to using any and all legal means at our disposal to force a fair contract from NetJets. This summer will let us all know if this industry can transition to become a career or if it is going to be forever stuck as a place for CFIs to build turbine time so they can move on.
Grizz said:

The RLA puts a huge amount of power in management's hands during contract negotiations. They can stall, obstruct and basically make no effort at all to pursue a fair contract. Add to that fact that the previous MEC and leadership at 284 felt that playing patty cake with these guys was the way to go and you easily see how we got where we are.

It is only at the end of the game that a union operating under the RLA has any real power. The pilots at NetJets are only now getting to the end of the game where we can exert pressure on the company. We also have a MEC that is committed to using any and all legal means at our disposal to force a fair contract from NetJets. This summer will let us all know if this industry can transition to become a career or if it is going to be forever stuck as a place for CFIs to build turbine time so they can move on.(QUOTE).

This is the core of where the owners come in. If the current trend continues, the fractionals will become a time-building job for inexperienced pilots, instead of a place where experienced, mature pilots park their career. The owners have to be made aware of this turn of events, and decide if this is the way they want to go. We all came into this job with the benefit of past experience, whether it be flying freight, charter, military, airlines, corporate, etc. We all cut our teeth at these jobs, learned from past mistakes, scared the s**t out of ourselves a couple of times, and are better pilots for it. I'm positive the owners would be rather alarmed at the notion of being flown around by the least experienced pilots in the industry, learning from (and hopefully surviving) their mistakes with owners and their families on board. No offense to these guys, as we were all in their position once, and would have jumped at the chance for this kind of job (even without any perks or benefits). The owners are paying for the most expeditious and SAFEST transportation their money can buy. The way things are going, they will not have the benefit of my experience, ability, and wisdom, nor of, I suspect, many other pilots. Too bad. I wish them the best of luck, but I will not have my services sold cheaply, nor be abused for the privilege of driving them around!They can get what Flight Options is able and willing to give them and/or what they are willing to pay for. It's their company (which is why they are called Owners); let them do something about it. Otherwise, they can take their chances with low-time, relatively inexperienced pilots, or buy their own airplane and pay me NBAA scale to fly them. (And there is always :"Would you like another bag of peanuts with your water, sir and ma'am?).
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