Ticker said:We had a chance to get some sort of representation just before the merger (at least those who were coming from RTA). But no, things weren't bad enough. We've had over three years since then to get some sort of representation, but no, things still weren't bad enough. At least 50% + 1 of us are getting exactly what we asked for.
Pucker up butter cup! Kool aid all around!!
You're right on that account, but it's all water under the bridge now. Many who did not support unionizing had a problem with the idea of joining the teamsters, (including myself), rather than with the concept of joining a union per se. It was the only option presented to us. We were hoping that something better would come along, and were waiting to see what the IBT did for Netjets before commiting to them. Keep in mind we've had change of leadership 3 times in the past 2 years, each bringing with it a change of style and promises. I know, you can argue we were naive, but the concerns were legitimate. The question now is, where do we go from here? There seem to be 2 categories of Flight Options pilots now; those who are going to leave at the first decent opportunity, and those who will stick it out in the hope of changing the status quo (plus the few so-called kool-aid drinkers who are laughing it up right now). I'm convinced there will be a union before long, but the results won't be evident for a few years. Each pilot has to make a personal decision as to whether it is worth sticking it out. I have decided it isn't worth it for me, and will be gone at the first decent opportunity. It's a shame, because I really thought at first that this is where I would park my career. The company is evidently no longer committed to attracting and keeping the best pilots in the industry. I only hope the owners realize what impact the current changes will have, in the long run, on the quality of the product they are paying for. I suspect they would be willing to pay a little more to ensure they have the best transportation their money can buy!