In a couple of years Flexjet might as well be called FlightOptions. It will be the same company with the same old FLOPS players running it. Just remember RTA/FLOPS equaled about 225 airplanes and 950 pilots back in 2002, and in 2013 prior to FLEX , we had about 80 ish planes and 400 ish pilots, that is a decline in business under this management and prior managements. So FLOPS has never grown since Riccis merger with RTA.
Look at how things are going now, FLOPS, more or less was a viable company, now we're loosing BJ and CX, so all that is left is 40 ish phenoms and 5 legacy. Pretty stellar record for 20+ years in business.
Look at FLEX, (flex guys chime in as I'm not up on your numbers) LJ 45 going away, LJ85 (not flex fault) not coming. LJ 75 (Ricci rocket 2) not quite the badazz plane it was suppose to be, did order 20 C350, only a couple of g450's and globals + 1-g650 ???, only one ordered I guess, I forgot his personal g-5.
Aerion of (2014)....= Lineage of 2003( pipe dream of riccis)
Look at how things are going now, FLOPS, more or less was a viable company, now we're loosing BJ and CX, so all that is left is 40 ish phenoms and 5 legacy. Pretty stellar record for 20+ years in business.
Look at FLEX, (flex guys chime in as I'm not up on your numbers) LJ 45 going away, LJ85 (not flex fault) not coming. LJ 75 (Ricci rocket 2) not quite the badazz plane it was suppose to be, did order 20 C350, only a couple of g450's and globals + 1-g650 ???, only one ordered I guess, I forgot his personal g-5.
Aerion of (2014)....= Lineage of 2003( pipe dream of riccis)
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