I was just looking at Airline Pilot Central and it says 12 recalls in Jan. Just wondering if anybody has heard anything about this? I have heard nothing about recalls anytime soon.
Hmmmm... I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that they meant to put that up on the CitationAir link, not Flexjet. Aren't they supposed to be recalling 16 I believe it was after the new year? There is no word of recalls on the Citation Air link which leads me to believe it was posted erroniously under the wrong company.
I really, really hope I'm wrong, seeing as I'd be in that group of 12...
I wouldn't trust the CP, ACPs or FR on telling the future. In Jan '09 they forecast a 50 mil profit and upt it to 70 in June. Then came the crash. They predict the future by looking at the past. The past was gloomy, so they forecast gloomy. If we could predict the future we wouldn't be in aviation. ( Except for riding in the back) I hope and believe, '10 is going to be a much better year and we will see guys returning back to work. The sooner the better.
I remember when APC posted Flexjet had added something like seven bases - back when bases was the big topic of discussion, rather than jobs.
Personally, I assume if there are no recalls by this time of year, there will not be any until next fall. Just my personal speculation - doesn't rise anywhere near the level of rumor.....
I just hope to hear guys are guaranteed 16 days soon - or the company announces 14 is permanent...
Looks like the recall idea has been removed from their site. Guess you guys were right about bogus info being posted on APC. I wonder where they get their information?
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