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FlexJet / Flight Options / SkyJet

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Guaranteed in the CBA

Is that guaranteed in your contract?

Yes. As a matter of fact it is.

Flight Options Pilots CBA

[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]20.6(a) Daily Per Diem [/FONT][/FONT]
The per diem for domestic operations is $40.80 per day or any portion thereof.

20.6(b) International Meal Reimbursement
A pilot shall be reimbursed for the actual cost of meals in addition to receiving the Daily Per Diem rate specified in 20.6(a). A pilot shall provide the Company with meal receipts prior to being reimbursed.

20.6(c) The Chief Pilot, or his designee, may consider increasing the maximum amounts contained in this subsection 20.6 on a case-by-case basis.

20.7 Crew Meals Crew meals will be provided in accordance with Company policy. Within 90 days of the effective date of the Agreement, the Joint Travel Committee shall commence a review of the Company policy. Thereafter, the Joint Travel Committee shall make advisory recommendations regarding changes to Company policy, including menu options and delivery systems.

20.7(a) In addition, a pilot may purchase a meal (excluding alcoholic beverages and snacks) with the Company-provided credit card or, at his election, obtain a reimbursement from the Company if he uses his personal funds. In either case, a pilot shall submit receipts in accordance with Company policy.

So, a Flight Options pilot gets $40.80 per day, plus gets to purchases ALL meals with NO LIMIT (using the company credit card) and gets food delivered to the aircraft if flying during breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Yes Dr. Phil v1 rotate. Thank you so much. I have entered counseling immediately after your advice. Luckily I found a good counselor in Addison named Deana white. She was sexually attracted to me and promised not to tell about our inappropriate behavior on the couch. I almost agreed but thought what would rats ass think if he walked in watching me give the bone to his momma!

Truly classless....and you expect people to listen to your BS after this. I knew you were a joke, but this just makes you an a$$ hole.
That negotiation was suggested that FJ would add more domiciles as long as crews at less efficiant places work longer rotations. Pay was not adjusted.

Strike 1

Admit it though, it's a give and take that you keep talking about

Give = Domicles
Take = A long rotation

Did I say anything about pay
Admit it though, it's a give and take that you keep talking about

Give = Domicles
Take = A long rotation

Did I say anything about pay

Sorry, with all the back and forth I thought you had said I.

I realize it was not you that told us that with these new domiciles that aren't even a reality yet that we are already working more days for the same pay.

These wildly innacurate statements just go to show the misinformation some of your pilots are spreading.

Who is spreading the FUD?
Really dude? This is your contribution to the hard working fractional profession? I have no beef with you. Guess what? My personal income from a private business exceeded my income of your great uncle Kenny in 2009! So basically your telling me I got mine go get yours? Am I correct in that statement? Guess what? WERE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER, LIKE IT OR NOT! I am on your side along with every God Damn hard working pilot in this fractional so called profession. Wake the ******************** up

Do you really believe KR is stupid enough it treat his non-union side as badly as you suggest he will? Really? Especially since he want the union gone. If anything it's more likely the flex side will be treated well in an effort to influence the fo side when we finally do vote.

We will say goodbye to the IBT together...
Is it true that there are a bunch of pilots at Options who are not in "good standing" with the union?? What would be the reason for that, not paying dues? What would be the issue that group of pilots have?
Is it true that there are a bunch of pilots at Options who are not in "good standing" with the union?? What would be the reason for that, not paying dues? What would be the issue that group of pilots have?

Because no matter what, there are allways people that are against unions, and will refuse to be a member in good standing
One even said for months before the union was voted in that he would never work for a union shop, he would leave this place and find another job.
Well he is still here, he is not a member in good standing.
Those not in good standing still have to pay dues everymonth, some choose to have their's contributed to a charity.

Make no mistake about it though, member in good standing or not, our union has defended both fully when they have needed it.
Never once has the union said sorry, you are not in good standing we will not support you.
I guess I'm curious about what would put somebody on the not in good standing list. If they are still paying dues, then what is it? Also, I've been told that you have to pay dues even when you are on furlough. Any truth to that?

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