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FlexJet / Flight Options / SkyJet

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C'mon.... Y'all only speak one side as well. The vote will be for or against the union. The same could be said for the guys and gals that are for the IBT and won't budge. A lot of people for or against and some on the fence at both "storefronts". It is hypocritical for someone to say TWA won't listen to you and then turn around and not listen to his points. Not trying to stir the pot, just pointing it out.

Its not that we will not budge re-guarding the union, but you FLEX guys don't want to listen to the experienced pilots that have been with Ricci for the last 10-18 years. My one sided speaking comes from 16 years here under Ricci + 3 CEO's. We were with him during non-union periods and now were under him with a union. Most of us have seen both sides. You FLEX guys haven't seen but about 3 months worth of Ricci.

We have been there and done that, you haven't. That is my position
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Its not that we will not budge re-guarding the union, but you FLEX guys don't want to listen to the experienced pilots that have been with Ricci for the last 10-18 years. My one sided speaking comes from 16 years here under Ricci + 3 CEO's. We were with him during non-union periods and now were under him with a union. Most of us have seen both sides. You FLEX guys haven't seen but about 3 months worth of Ricci.

We have been there and done that, you haven't. That is my position

You're stuck, eh?
Yeah he's stuck Juan. Maybe some of us are tired of starting over. You might want to think twice about basking in the glory of your status and maybe start worrying about dirtbag dethroning you guys and your aging fleet with an unfair labor advantage. Btw how much actual 73 time have you logged?
For the fence-sitters at Flex…I would recommend just talking with as many Flops line pilots as you can when out on the line. They work under the IBT and is where you will get the most honest answers. I’ve spoken to at least a dozen of the pilots since our acquisition, including sharing beverages with a crew last week , and have yet to meet ONE who is solidly pro-IBT(most folks simply don’t like the IBT or it’s leaders). This crew spoke of the “incidents” and other BS that the union goobers blow up out of proportion to incite unrest and create uncertainty in fellow pilots and, hopefully, create support for a union…classic union tactics. Old Flex wasn’t perfect, and New Flex won’t be either. We had and have a very good working relationship with management and I hope it remains that way. I’m still waiting for an apology from the goobers who called DW a liar…I and most everyone here at Flex understands why she declined to allow Flops pilots onto Yammer.
Ya’ll enjoy the day.
An apology, really?

First she tells you guys the Union said No.
Now it's "she declined to allow"
You want us to apology?

She actually said the union would not allow direct communications between management and FO pilots on Yammer.

I know you guys won't apologize because you feel management is the enemy. You feel like you are in a battle against them.

I am glad other FJ pilots are starting to post on here.

We have a few who are pro union and VERY outspoken. We have a silent majority that is sitting by waiting for the vote that will spell the end for the IBT. This is my opinion, and for the future of FJ and FO I hope I am correct.
She actually said the union would not allow direct communications between management and FO pilots on Yammer.

I can't believe that you guy's believe that the Union would not allow us on Yammer. Kenn Ricci, Joe Salata, Chris Herzberg, etc never hesitated to email us, I have all the emails to prove it, now all of a sudden DW can't.
That is about one of the worst lie's that I have ever heard.
I'm not going to get into anymore, but if you guy's believe that then......

The ass kissing that I hear, that is going on, on Yammer, I'm glad I'm not on that love fest, I would probably just throw up in my mouth reading that garbage.

Actually I did just throw up in my mouth.

I bet if your god like DW told you guys to all get in a circle and ....... off each other, that all you followers would jump for the first chance to do it. Will she give you the special flavored kool-aid to drink after, also.

I hope to one day meet a flex pilot that actually thinks for himself.
I know you guys won't apologize because you feel management is the enemy. You feel like you are in a battle against them.

I'm not in a battle against management

I'm in a battle against people that want to make pocket full's o'money on the back of my hard work. People that want to turn this once glorious industry of aviation into the Walmart greeter of job that's it working it's way towards because people will let the scumbags at the top take them without any lube.

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