The majority of Flex Pilots may be anti union now, but if we end up merging with FLOPS and lose a lot of pay, benefits, and QOL, then it might be a different story. You say that you're worried the Flex pilots will tear down everything you've worked hard to build, and I get that, but keep in mind we're worried about being forced onto your pay and work rules, and thus losing everything we've built. I think it is best for everyone involved if we stay separate. Wishful thinking?
I speak for myself, I don t want FLEX to loose one dime of pay, we start negotiation next year and Flex is profitable as is, and that is where we will start. I think this next contract will have a lot more no votes if it is not on par with industry. I voted Yes last time cause you have to start somewhere and the company was in a hurt locker in a real bad way. I might not be the highest paid right now, but I don't have to worry about an email changing my family's life, not for the better.