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FLASH, This just in,...NWA and DAL pilots

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Originally Posted by Superpilot92
The real kicker would be if these announcements and aircraft are actually being planned already for the combined carrier. think about it

You are very wise young grasshoppa.

You sure you are a pilot?


Just like the 787s?;)

These orders have been on the books for some time now.
Ouch, that is an old fleet. 17.5 years old. Look at the bright side, once all your DC-9s are gone your average fleet age will be just north of 11.1.

Do you have any replacement aircraft on order for those aging DC-9s? Why replace immediately. They are paid for and make money.

What's the average age of your 747-200s. 25? Yes! All 13 of them.

What's the average age of your 747-400s. 15? Nope...14....as in younger than your
767-300's(avg age= 16.9) 757-200's(avg age=16.3) and your entire MD88 fleet (avg age=17.5)

Good thing you got the last of your A330s in there to drive your average down. Yeah, right along with our A319's/320's and 757-300's, all of which are younger than your MD88's. Our 757-200's are exactly the same average age as yours....but you have more of them which hurts your average. Yes our A330's(largest fleet in the world) are less than half as old as your 767-400's and 777's.We'll be taking delivery of 22 new aircraft through 2009, that should help us out.
You really need to get more creative....I guess you fail to recognize your chp 11 trip, which resulted in much poorer pay and work rules! Reading comprehension:rolleyes:. Ya see, I talked about the future. Not the past. Get it?
I guess to expect more from some fng greenbook lacky is too much!:rolleyes:

Or we buy you, and rescue you from another trip into bankruptcy!Ummmm. let's just say that the financials(those things you like to ignore) suggest otherwise. I guess they didn't teach you about those at Vo-Tech.

This from the punk who has the reading comprehension?:laugh: Sparky, you are really funny!:laugh:

Sure you are greenbook!
Come on junior greenbook......Gear up now!

See Ya Punkylouver!!
Hey look everyone, it is NORTHWEST to the rescue!!! They will come in with their stellar financials and rescue anyone who MAY have some trouble down the road(even though Air France would EASILY do the same for us in a heartbeat). How does NWA do it? They took most of it from the NWA pilots during their BK. Yes, they kept their pensions, but lost everything else. But hey, if you need a loan, go to them first!

Bye Bye--General Lee
Just so I'm clear: Your and DAL's answer to their lousy numbers(margins/cash on hand as a multiple of monthly expense/and massive debt) and forecast massive losses at current oil prices (4 times NWA forecast losses)is to ask the Frogs for money?

Wow. Thats a grand plan ya got there BobbyLee!:laugh::laugh::laugh:
Just so I'm clear: Your and DAL's answer to their lousy numbers(margins/cash on hand as a multiple of monthly expense/and massive debt) and forecast massive losses at current oil prices (4 times NWA forecast losses)is to ask the Frogs for money?

Wow. Thats a grand plan ya got there BobbyLee!:laugh::laugh::laugh:

And for some reason your MEC keeps coming back for more. Why is that minibus man? With all of this doom and gloom you say we WILL have (none of our management people seemed as stressed out about it as you are), why oh why do your guys want to call us back? Go away and stay in your ice caves you HOSERS.

And, those frogs also own KLM, your key to Europe (since you don't have anything else except DUS and a few major cities there). Be nice. And yes, they will help us if we somehow need it. Enjoy those great financials---instead of pilot pay. If you personally need a loan, call me--25% interest compounded daily, but that is because you are my hoser buddy from the great white north.(otherwise--it is 30%)

And, I can't believe you are trying to compare fleet ages. Wow. Most of your domestic fleet is older than most of our employees (except the stews).

Bye Bye--General Lee
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While you're at it, PLEASE, PLEASE, take a look at the index of a high and low chart. Learn how to read those again. Also, review SID/STARs. Do you guys on the DC9 have to file your own flight plans too? I hope not.

Bye Bye--General Lee

Echo, Echo, Echo~~BORING=LAME=GL

:uzi: GL :smash:

Get some new material, "yawn"
Echo, Echo, Echo~~BORING=LAME=GL

:uzi: GL :smash:

Get some new material, "yawn"

Come on man, I am giving you some advice here, some that you will need. Really, you won't have the FMS "crutch" everyone else has out there, so you will have to be ontop of your game. 5 legs in one day will get tiring, and if you are in top form, less can happen to you. Good luck and God Speed.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Come on man, I am giving you some advice here, some that you will need. Really, you won't have the FMS "crutch" everyone else has out there, so you will have to be ontop of your game. 5 legs in one day will get tiring, and if you are in top form, less can happen to you. Good luck and God Speed.

Bye Bye--General Lee

TOOLBOX AWARD, congrats you earned it :erm:
These orders have been on the books for some time now.


But...some might speculate that they CONTINUE to be on the books because oh...I don't know...somebody's got a plan?

Let's use logic for a sec kay?

Despite almost insurmountable oil prices, a looming recession, and an ever weakening dollar, both airlines are keeping there expansion aircraft orders.

The first sentence of Airline 101 reads 'If you smell trouble on the economic horizon...shrink the operation.

We did that very early in 2000 (everyone said WTF?)

We are not retiring any additional AC than was planned during the BK exit (despite a VASTLY different economic scenario), our AC orders have not changed.

Neither has Deltoids. So you think two Legacy carriers are defying industry precedence simultaneously with all the eggs on the line based on their hypothetical yet unproven 'stand alone plans'?

Not likely.

But...some might speculate that they CONTINUE to be on the books because oh...I don't know...somebody's got a plan?

Let's use logic for a sec kay?

Despite almost insurmountable oil prices, a looming recession, and an ever weakening dollar, both airlines are keeping there expansion aircraft orders.

The first sentence of Airline 101 reads 'If you smell trouble on the economic horizon...shrink the operation.

We did that very early in 2000 (everyone said WTF?)

We are not retiring any additional AC than was planned during the BK exit (despite a VASTLY different economic scenario), our AC orders have not changed.

Neither has Deltoids. So you think two Legacy carriers are defying industry precedence simultaneously with all the eggs on the line based on their hypothetical yet unproven 'stand alone plans'?

Not likely.

Most of the other carriers, with the exception of UAL and DL, haven't made any real announcements of changing their business model yet. Those will come in time if oil stays where it is or gets more expensive. I wouldn't read too much into the fact orders haven't changed or more aircraft haven't been grounded yet.

My opinion is that the merger is dead or put in deep, deep storage because of fuel prices and the economy. If you merge two giants you have to appease a multitude of entities while it's in the approval process. That means very limited cuts, if any, for months. I don't think management wants to tie their own hands that way with a huge amount of uncertainty on the horizon.

Secondly, the merger won't pay dividends for quite a while. It might give you a bit of pricing power but won't do anything to the price of oil and it won't increase demand for your product. In the mean time it's very expensive right off the bat with integration expenses and higher employee costs to name a few.

Lastly, the financial markets are a mess. Circumstances could have changed dramatically for the sponsors of the deal.

The fact that the company took some of the bennies off the table speaks volumes. They are re-evaluating the deal and working to get their own house in order in the face of some serious industry challenges.
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