Its a not a problem if dream job#1 is to be well paid semi-retiree who spends all day being a husband and parent for his wife and kids. Job # 2 is to fly around the world actually helping people who are starving and dying. Job#3 is to fly OV10s for CDF or Forest Service. Job#4 is my actual job. Job#5 is to #1-10 seniority wise at Southwest and do Job#1, maybe 2 and 3. Priorities, my friends, its all about priorities. So...since the first 2 and number 5 are kinda out of my reach right now, and I actually have #4, #3 is my goal.
You should probably stick with chasing the Southwest dream then. Aerial firefighting is one of those jobs you really must have a serious desire to do. Its not like anything else out there. It Takes a certain kind of person and pilot to do it or you will kill yourself.
Besides, no one should aspire to fly the OV-10 for CDF. It should be looked upon as a stepping stone to get to an S-2, wich is my #1 dream job.
Grumman Guy and movinonup...good luck in your dreams of being an airtanker captain. Great work, fun guys but the way the feds are messing with the program, it'll take a lot of patience to survive. I hope they can get their act together and realize what a worthwhile program LAT's are...and Lead's...and ASM...etc., etc.
And right now there is an unofficial hiring freeze at USFS. They failed to replace me or one other guy who retired out of FOX and put the kibosh on the two new hires for FOX. Until they hash out what kind of aerial supervision module they want for whatever kind of airtanker program they are going to have in the future, Leadplanes and ASM's may become rare.
CDF on the other hand has an active aerial supervision program (OV-10's) and tanker fleet (S2T's).
I had applied for the lancaster openings last year but they cancelled the vacancies as far as I know.
This fire season I will sit out and flying boxes as a captain in the Shorts out of SBA, and will try to be back into things next year, hopefully there will be more certainly in the future of aerial firefighting by then, and if there isnt, well at least I will have a fair amount of multi engine turboprop , so I will be more qualified for other jobs if everything goes to crap again like may 2004.
Its hard enough when you do know someone. Although 5-10 years ago, it was apparently much easier. I know someone that got hired for a USFS lead plane job and didnt even have to interview, and someone who flies with CDF that had no fire experience, no turboprop either as far as I know.
I never interviewed when I hired on at sim ride, no nothing. If it wasn't for the fact that 2 military guys declined and a more qualified pilot went to a commercial jump ship operator and the fact that the Supvy Pilot in Redding knew me from way back when....I'd never would have gotten the job. was my freightdawgin' experience that made me, in his mind, a good choice and I only had a smidgen of fire experience...flying recon and supplemental air attack (1 mission) back in the early 90's.
Don't give up...keep buggin' people in the fire biz...
I'm afraid I can't help you. The USFS and I parted on not so friendly terms. But I know people. And I know about people. (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more!)
Just keep buggin' the people in charge, hang around tanker bases yakkin' with the crews, calling and getting your name out there counts. Most managers can't do anything in the gov't without approval so you'll have to wait until someone approves of you!!
The list for the OV-10 is very long. Knowing someone isnt good enough anymore. Fire expierence is the only way in.
I got in before it was that way. Since the reduction in the Federal airtanker program, the CDF air program is pretty much the only stable thing left.
One step in the right direction, if your serious, is to join the Associated Airtanker Pilots. It's cheap, get's your face shown and foot in the door, all while helping support the industry.
For more info, you can go to or send me a PM or E mail.
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