I wasn't.
After only 18 months with the company I pulled the plug and took the early out to avoid what I believed was an obvious furlough situation. Nice company, nice folks, but I seriously doubt I would have been recalled in five years....more like 5 to 10. Even then, how long to upgrade once I was recalled? Seen it played out elsewhere, furlough down til it hurts and keep it there as long as possible. Profitablity does not mean there will be a rush to recall. While the absense of 495 slarires and benefit packages didn't save the company, common sense says they aren't (economically) missing us either. Not worth the wait for me, but best of luck to everyone waiting.
Living plan "B" and actually enjoying it. Who knew?![]()
Good to hear! I hope everything works out for each and every one of you!
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