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Fedex Hiring Mins when hiring resumes...

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Were they 2000TT civilians? No, but whether you and the other whiner want to admit it or not, everyone with common sense knows 2000 hours in an F/A-18 represents significantly more flying experience than an equivalent amount of civilian time.
You're comparing apples to oranges. How much of that flying experience is applicable to day-to-day civilian flight ops?

I'm not questioning the abilities or "trainability" of military pilots. To the contrary, I have a lot of respect for them and what they do. Anybody who can put ordinance on a target at night, hit a tanker for some fuel and then return to a carrier has to have something on the ball. But unless FedEx has some "secret plan" by which they're going to make pinpoint air-deliveries after business hours or arrested landings at some of the smaller airports they serve, I'm not sure that the actual skillsets necessary to operate an F/A-18 in those environments has much applicability to flying a civil airliner.
Easy there Billy Badass!

Before you go spouting off at the mouth, know that I couldn't care less about the obvious bias of FedEx's hiring preference, no matter how justified you think it is. I don't give a $hit if they only hire 200TT guys straight out of a T-34. I just found it humorous how such a benign comment hit a particular nerve with you.

Be careful with your name calling.

If you don't care, then why comment? Some guy starts whining about hiring a fighter pilot with at least 10 years of flight experience, I give him a little "boo-hoo" and you jump in. You clearly do have an issue with this based on the tone of your comments. I don't even fall into the category you wanted to put me in - I wish I did. If I'd been hired at 2000TT straight out of the military 11 years ago, I'd be an MD-11 Captain now and have two less airline uniforms in my closet.

I just get sick of hearing ignorant comparisons of simple flight hour totals. They're not the same, it's just that simple. If that F-18 pilot racked up that 2K in 3-4 years then maybe I'd have some sympathy. It takes him just as long (or maybe longer) to get that time as an RJ pilot takes to get to a competitive level in his flight time.

It's also tiring to listen to the constant b!tching about Fedex hiring bias you feel is so obvious (but you couldn’t care less :rolleyes:). As I said, they hire plenty of civilians. I fly with them all the time. Maybe complaining about a bias makes the guys that don't get hired feel better. If they were as sharp and professional as the civilian pilots that I've flown with at Fedex, maybe they'd be there.

Why is it that you never see military pilots on here whining about the creds of civilian pilots hired at airline X?

If you don't care, then why comment? Some guy starts whining about hiring a fighter pilot with at least 10 years of flight experience, I give him a little "boo-hoo" and you jump in. You clearly do have an issue with this based on the tone of your comments. I don't even fall into the category you wanted to put me in - I wish I did. If I'd been hired at 2000TT straight out of the military 11 years ago, I'd be an MD-11 Captain now and have two less airline uniforms in my closet.

I just get sick of hearing ignorant comparisons of simple flight hour totals. They're not the same, it's just that simple. If that F-18 pilot racked up that 2K in 3-4 years then maybe I'd have some sympathy. It takes him just as long (or maybe longer) to get that time as an RJ pilot takes to get to a competitive level in his flight time.

It's also tiring to listen to the constant b!tching about Fedex hiring bias you feel is so obvious (but you couldn’t care less :rolleyes:). As I said, they hire plenty of civilians. I fly with them all the time. Maybe complaining about a bias makes the guys that don't get hired feel better. If they were as sharp and professional as the civilian pilots that I've flown with at Fedex, maybe they'd be there.

Why is it that you never see military pilots on here whining about the creds of civilian pilots hired at airline X?

Like I said, I don't care! My comment had nothing to do with the other guys post, but rather with your reaction to it. And look at you...I mean, talk about "Boo-Hoo". You're making this more and more ironical.
:confused: "ironical" ???

Aside from lacking ability to spell it, you also don't seem to understand what it means from what I can tell. If I was complaining about the flight time of civilians hired at Fedex, then you could claim irony. I'm obviously not doing that, so what's your point?
Isn't That Ironical?

:confused: "ironical" ???


–adjective 1.pertaining to, of the nature of, exhibiting, or characterized by irony or mockery: an ironical compliment; an ironical smile. 2.using or prone to irony: an ironical speaker.

1570–80; ironic + -al1

Related forms:
i⋅ron⋅i⋅cal⋅ly, adverb
i⋅ron⋅i⋅cal⋅ness, noun

1, 2. sarcastic, sardonic.

Don't feel bad. I laughed at my wife when she used this word (Big Mistake). I thought she was using ironic improperly.
I flown with too many 20 somethings that were bitter because they were treated poorly. This thread promotes those bad attitudes.

Maybe because this profession has gone in the crapper what with unions that don't put up a fight to protect pensions and allowed the creation of dead end jobs at regional airlines because there aren't going to be any more legacy jobs?

I dunno, you tell me!
Maybe because this profession has gone in the crapper what with unions that don't put up a fight to protect pensions and allowed the creation of dead end jobs at regional airlines because there aren't going to be any more legacy jobs?
Most airline pilots are NOT members of a "union," they're members of an association. There's a BIG difference in how and why they're formed and administered, and how much respect they get from their would-be adversaries.

For example;

Motorcycle enthusiasts belonging to the "Honda Gold Wing Riders Association" are members of an association. They are a loose confederacy, membership is by simple application, and they own no turf. Mess with one of them, and the others will beat a hasty retreat while dialing 911 on their cell phones. Their purpose in dialing 911 will not be to assist their fellow member, but to subdue the violence before it reaches them.

Motorcycle enthusiasts belonging to the "Hell's Angel's" on the other hand, are members of a union. Membership is earned and thereafter guarded, and is essentially "for life." They own turf. An attack on any one of their members is regarded as an attack on all of their members, and responded to accordingly, and by ALL. (In fact, failure to defend a fellow member is one of the few reasons for expulsion from the group) Mess with one of them, and you'll be the one dialing 911.

It's too bad we can't get Sonny Barger to run ALPA. We might lose a few members and gain a few lumps here and there, but at least we woudn't be in the mess we're in.
Hey remember "boycapt" who used to post here, hired at Fedex at age 23 one year out of ERAU. Thought it was because of his skill and desire, and not a fluke of luck and timing.

still here...25 actually!....hired 3 years out of ERAU with 4500 TT 3000 jet and 1500 PIC jet....get your stories straight!....and that was 15 years ago....keep the dream alive yip!..one day!:laugh:

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