Got the voice mail the other day while on the road. Interviewed a year ago this past November, and went through the whole process. Has anything changed in the process.
For when are they scheduling the next round of interviews? Would you mind sharing your availability date? Thanks. A buddy of mine interviewed there last month and says it's still the same as previously reported.
I got called by Beverly at FEDEX on March 21st for an April 8/9 interview. I asked if I could interview on April 15/16. She said that was fine. I sent my initial online app in OCT 2000 with avail date SEPT 2001. Good luck!
Are you "stop lossed"? The reason I ask is that I talked to a source at Fedex last week and was given the impression that in fact Fedex probably would not call me unless I had a definite guard/reserve job or some chief pilot went in and stood on their desks for me. I was told that they have too many people hired but "stop lossed".
From a business perspective, I totally understand this policy but it sure "bites" that while military guys are out fighting for "our way of life", others are taking what we hoped would be our jobs in the civilian market. I just hope that when "stop loss" is over Fedex calls all the qualified military candidates who have been waiting for an interview.
Just my thoughts. Good luck to all -military and civilian!!
I am not "stop-lossed." I must admit that I had given up on FEDEX after being pooled with SWA, and was supprised to get the call on the same day JM called with good news from SWA. I have had my app online for a year and a half, and finally got a third reference at FEDEX in late December. I think that had a lot to do with it! Good luck!
".... but it sure "bites" that while military guys are out fighting for "our way of life", others are taking what we hoped would be our jobs in the civilian market."
"Our jobs" ?!? How is it your job if you haven't even been invited to an interview yet? What makes you entitled to that job at FedEx or anywhere else? YGTBSM!
"I just hope that when "stop loss" is over Fedex calls all the qualified military candidates who have been waiting for an interview."
What about all the qualified civilian candidates waiting for an interview? Do you think you deserve to be hired just because you are former military? Do you think you should go to the head of the line just because you are a former military pilot?
It is EXACTLY this kind of arrogance and attitude that causes all the fuss between military pilots and civilian pilots. Get over yourself. You're just a pilot like everybody else. Wait your turn.
You dudes are way too hard on Jake. Try walking a mile in his shoes - when was the last time you were an indentured servant, unable to leave a job despite having fullfilled all training contracts?
He isn't an indentured servant. He's a volunteer! Stoploss isn't a new invention. It has always been a part of the equation, it just isn't always invoked. Well this time the government decided to play their hole card that Jake knew was there all along. The rules haven't changed.
I think you are wrong, stop loss does change the equation when invoked. My recruited never mentioned it to me, and I bet when Jake joined the USAF the last stop loss was during Vietnam, and there was a draft too! Gee, maybe they should recall you. How excited would you be? They can do that too PFC - it is "part of the equation". I know you Marines love to yell Semper Fi, but it would be a negative for your flying career and a real bummer.
Today we have a situation where the Air Force was going to be undermanned on pilots due to their complete lack of foresight and planning. They also need the stop loss to fight this war, but it sure is a handy "retention" tool for AFPC. I hope those affected keep their moral up and priorites straight, but the reality is it will cost some of them senoity numbers.
My point remains, walk a mile in his shoes: he waited his turn, but he is not allowed to take it. I am not enjoying my current unemployment, but I feel for the dudes who are stop lossed as well.
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