I read/leafed through several books: Officer Candidate Test Book, AIR Inc's written test guide, Vocabulary test preps, Sylogistic (sp?) Logic, etc.
My advice would be to not spend alot of time on this stuff. I don't think alot of study will modify your scores much on the written tests. They don't seem to be very important. ( I think I answered 8 out of 40 vocab words.) Just follow the directions to the letter ( if it says don't guess, then don't!) and be efficient. I did get some good info re: Logic off of the Internet. Just search Google for Sylogistic (?) Logica and memorize the basic rules. That will help in those questions.
Spend your time reviewing your logbooks for stories that will help you answer "Tell us about a time when..." questions. That will help you the most.
Good to see they are still scheduling interviews. When do they bid/assign equiptment and bases in new hire school. I was just wondering what the results were for the July 8th class. I am in the July 29th and was wondering will it all be 727 MEM or will there be any other options?
Typically, you get your assignments on day 3 of ground school. From what I've been hearing, everyone is initially placed in the 727 S/O seat. I have heard of secondary bids for other seats (DC-10 S/O primarily) coming up while you are in school.
Ditto on the studying. Look up "syllogism" and "Venn diagram" on the internet to help study for the logic part. Unfortunately it has been so long for me that I don't remember the sites I used, but as Dornier stated, find one that gives the basic rules and some examples, then practice using Venn diagrams to solve the logic problems. This will at least give you a clue and a starting point for these tests. As always, search this forum, lots of good info in the past several months on study gouge and where to find it--willflyforfood, etc.
But...don't kill yourself studying stuff you'll never remember anyway! Your time will be better spent reviewing your past flying history so you can go into the personal interview knowledgeable, confident and able to present your past experience in a professional manner. Good luck!
I did the sim prep at Pan Am in MIA. I'm still debating if it was worth it. I passed and got the job! So in that respect it was worth every penny. I was the only one in my group that did a sim prep and we all passed. The sim is not that hard. The Pan Am sim was the A-300 E4B (old airbus) and my interview group got the A-310 (newer airbus). The Pan Am sim was harder to fly and therefore was a good warm up and a not so good confidence builder. The Pan Am people were professional and friendly.
I would have been bummed if I had not done the prep and flunked the sim, but now I kind of wish I had the $500 dollars back. It's a tough call.
I know of a couple guys, including a 9000+ hour ex-USAir guy, who for whatever reason did not make it through the sim.
I got some time in a biz jet sim thanks to a buddy to practice the Vert S profile, and although it was "different" than the airbus the fact I had to adapt my cross check to a new plane and concentrate on pitch/power inputs probably helped me a lot in the Airbus sim.
As for the 400-500 bucks, you can pick up 2 reserve days on your first month and the line and get the money back. If you hate reserve, two 6 hour trips or an 8 hour 2 day trip to the west coast gets you back your money. Unless you are current/qual'd in a transport jet, I'd recommend biting the bullet and knocking back some sim time...if only to increase your confidence and slow your heartrate during the process.
If you want help prepping for the interview beyond the sim prep, click on the interview prep banner ad in the upper left corner.
I flew the profile in a 737 sim that I had access to. Obviously, not the same as the DC-10 or A-300, but it did get me focused on my scan. (Too many hours flying glass will destroy your scan!!)
I also downloaded some "instrument panels" of the DC-10 and A-300 from the internet that work with Microsoft Flight Sim. It was a simple, free solution that also helped me get my scan back together.
I feel that some sort of prep is definitely worth it, just for the confidence building aspect of it. If you don't do any and don't pass the sim.......
Higher Power runs a specific FedEx sim prep. It runs about $450 for an hour in the 727 with an instructor doing the FedEx profile. It was pricey, but my attitude was it was better to do the prep and not have needed to than the other way around.
For what it's worth(probally not much) I did my sim prep for FedEx at a local FBO on an AST300 sim for $39/hr. I did it solo and just kept on running through the profile and used 150 kts instead of 250kts, ect.
Whatever sim you use it will help you out on the evaluation. I had not been in an aircraft since Nov. 24, 2001 and needed a brush-up, but didnt want to spend all that cash(furloughed, not cheap).
I feel that really helped to get my scan back and get somewhat comfortable with the profile. On the otherhand if you are coming from a turboprop, your scan and instrument skills are probally better than most, but you might benifit from getting into a jet sim before the real deal.
I had a "real" sim planned, but it fell thru at the last minute. My only option before the interview was Air Inc, so I passed thru ATL on the way to MEM. The sim wasn't that great (computer generated, no motion-it may be better now, I went in early 2001) but all I did was the FedEx profile...for 3 hours. At $300, it was a little steep, and some of my friends thought I was nuts, but I got the job and it was worth every penny. This is the place I wanted to work and the bottom line for me was, if I didn't do some sort of prep, then didn't pass for whatever reason, I would be kicking myself for the rest of my life over a measly 300 bucks.
This is a "longshot" but worth it. Try to find someone/anyone at FedEx who flys the Airbus and ask them to get you an "orientation" ride in the FTD/Procedure Trainer in Memphis (the old Falcon training building). Although there is no motion or visual, you can practice the check profile and get more comfortable with the overall cockpit layout. The FTD compares "somewhat" to the sim, but it's better than spending "mucho $$$" on an outside contract sim. And it's generally always available!
It's a networking longshot yes, but sure beats paying a lot for say a 727 or 737 when your check will more than likely be in the Bus......
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