Dear pilot brethren,
Let's not stand by and let the F9 pilots think that they can come into the RAH fold and not allow fair integration. They are not above the law. They will be one company now and we need to stand up and help the RAH pilots. There are laws in this country and just because you are bigger and fly larger airplanes does not mean that you can just walk over our fellow pilots. When these lists are combined there needs to be a complete and fair top to bottom integration!
You are right. However, Frontier pilots should not be thrown under the bus (sts) so that some RJ pilots can obtain a significant gain at their expense. A pure percentage integration of this type is not fair in this merger.
The new, but untested federal law which was brought about by the AA/TWA meger is very similar to the ALPA merger policy that no pilot group obtains an advantage or windfall due to the merger. Now, if you follow the DAL/NWA and AWA/USAir Nicolia award, there was separation on the integration of wide vs narrow body aircraft. This parallels Frontier/Republic as they are narrow body and RJ. If you follow the previous mentioned integrations and follow it to the next step you get three types of aircraft (four if you want to separate large RJ vs Small RJ) and five if you split out the Dash8s This gives you:
Wide body (none)
Narrow body (A320)
Large RJ (E170/175)
Small RJ (E140/145/CRJ200)
Thus the initial integration of Captains should be:
Wide body senior (none)
Narrow body mid seniority (frontier Airbus')
Large RJ (Republic E170/175 pilots)
Small RJ (Republic E140/145/CRJ200)
Turboprop (Frontier Q400 Dash8)
This results that among captains, all Frontier Captains are senior. The real nut cutting occurs with the integration of Frontier FOs, RJ Captains and the RJ FOs (and yes, all Republic aircraft are currently classified as RJ (E170/175/145/140 and CRJ200). How do you integrate these groups is a concern. Also, there need to be 5 to 10 year fences to protect each group from intrusion into the other's fleets. Each group may see some gains and losses, but true interations will not happen for 5 to 10 years. In addition, the Frontier FO should not be disenfranchised so that the RJ captains can displace Airbus FOs.
Merging companies of similar equipment is one thing, but when one company only flies RJs that is quite another. This can be an example of where "scope" hurts Republic pilots. E170/175 are all considered feeder/RJ aircraft thus do not count as narrow body equipment. As for future E190 aircraft, if/when they get them, they should be considered an narrow body, but Republic does not have any on the date of purchase, thus they do not count in the mix.
Just my opinion......
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