The unit out of San Antonio and Tucson hire people off the street. Both of them are FTU's. You do your 18 month seasoning at another unit before becoming an F-16 IP.
...Tyndall has NEVER hired a guy off the street to become an IP...
Most guys if they work and apply themselves can make IP, but the fact is there are some guys who just never will. Additionally, there are guys who COULD but due to the high experience in their unit there isn't an overwhelming need to upgrade anyone in a timely manner. I'm NOT saying Kelly/Springfiled haven't hired off the street for IP jobs, but I suspect their is more to the story--perhaps they were trading slots with an ops unit to get someone from another unit into the FTU, or perhaps this "off the street" guy had already flown F-16s but needed a TX course (requal) verses a B course (initial training).
Isn't 18 months all the fighter guys get for seasoning mayde it 2 years. But I know that Kelly has a board every year to hire people. Tucson only hires within and then they go back after seasoning. I'm not saying its the smartest thing.
I think the Springfield, OH unit hired a guy off the street a few years back. He came to our unit and flew for a few years and just recently went back to be an IP.
AlbieF15, thanks for the clarification, that was exactly my point to the random question generator; the likelihood of being hired by an FTU nowadays is null, so I stand corrected...
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