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expectations for SLI, Pinnacle, Mesaba, Colgan

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Hopefully both of these crap contracts will die a horrible death, then maybe we can stop listening to "management won't talk" and "bankruptcy made me do it" excuses. Let's get something we have only ourselves to credit or to blame.
What is the opinion on Q400 Rates. Should they be the same as the crj 200 or the crj 900 or something in the middle.

As most of us agree our future depends on the Q400 and CRJ 900. Would acepting 50 seat RJ pay for the 74 seat Q400 be considered a bad decision for the future and a deal breaker on the joint contract.
Honestly, I haven't had a chance to read that document. My statement is based upon what I believe is the strategic business plan of PNCL Corp. based on the statements and memorandums I've read in the past few months.
Continuing consolidation is inevitable in the airline industry, and while Doug Parker at US isn't everyone's favorite guy. He was correct 5 years ago when he predicted a trend toward consolidation, less capacity and less frequency. Fuel costs are not going to come down and will again begin to climb into the near $100/barrel of crude again in the near future. Bottom-line is that to make money you have to reduce costs, and maximize yields per seat my flown. Airline 101 some would say. I am not an expert or business school graduate, but I have been around long enough to see the handwriting on the wall.
PNCL Corp. could very well be an airline of 75 Q-400s and 75 CRJ-900s by the end of this decade if not much sooner. The B+s are going and Colgan is abandoning traditional routes because they just don't generate the revenue margins to justify their continued operation.
NOBODY wants to see airplanes leave the property, but if this company is going be positioned to survive and thrive in the new world order that we are waking up to. Then I wouldn't be shocked to see my prediction come to light. The good news is that in 2012, the age 65 rule kicks in and we will be seeing some real hiring going on at the majors.
Interesting times in which we live...


ex-Navy Rotorhead

What if the majors, with all the consolidation, start retiring airplanes to coincide with pilot retirements? What if they just shrink and continue the blasphemy of more bigger RJs? The only good news is news that has already happened. Future news is called hope.
What are your expectations for a combined list and where do you fit relatively in your company. Top 25%, 25%-50%, 50%-75%, 75%-Furlough or New Hire.

Including the furloughs with names still on the list I am at about 45% and fully expect that this merger will renew my resolve to keep my resume up to date and in the mailboxes of Delta and Southwest.
If the end result of joint negotiations looks like Mesaba's contract the deal is already failed. Mesaba contract will not pass at PCL. To many concessions.[/QUOTE]

Tell me how the Mesaba contract would be concessionary??
Tell me how the Mesaba contract would be concessionary??

I'll start with four...

- FO pay rates (XJ rates well behind PCL TA'd rates)
- Health insurance (up to 15% salary equivalent for FO's with families)
- Dead Head pay (XJ=50% PCL=75%)
- Cancelation pay (XJ=trip guarantee PCL=leg guarantee)
I'll start with four...

- FO pay rates (XJ rates well behind PCL TA'd rates)

Don't care about T'ad rates because is was only a TA, we are moving forward with a JCBA now and our current CH11 rates are above current 9e rates and those expire with a large raise Dec 1st. Also our CRJ-200 Capt rates have a large gap over yours and again it will get even larger Dec 1st. Again the highest rates of either should be the "starting point" going forward.

- Health insurance (up to 15% salary equivalent for FO's with families)

Fo's with families will always pay a higher %"salary equivalent" because of their lower pay and the higher premium. You are not going to get "cheaper" insurance because you are a FO.

Do you guys have United Healthcare as your insurance? Mesaba does and frankly unless you live in MSP the coverage sucks. It would be nice if we could get Blue Cross like the rest of the world.

- Dead Head pay (XJ=50% PCL=75%)

Current book yes, we however have a 4 hr min days that off sets a lot of that and goes beyond just days you DH. For example, picking up open time, traveling to and from training. Trip integration due to know absences. Junior manning and fly into a day off.

- Cancelation pay (XJ=trip guarantee PCL=leg guarantee)

Do you have leg guarantee right now or was that TA'd?

I see there are a lot of issues that affect you as an FO but some issues are small fries like DH pay. I'd rather see the JNC workout good work rules with little to no loopholes especially for reserves and up the min days off to at least 13.

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