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ERJ-195, B717, B737-600, Airbus 318?

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Wow, it does indeed sound like Northwest is good at the "whipsaw". I dont like the sound of those tactics. What do you mean by NW only operating A319's in the future? What about all their other types?
i think the -9's will eventually be retired, and the smallest aircraft left will be the 319. They will still have 757, the "whale", and eventually the A-330.
Thanks for the info, 65! On another note it looks like United is trying to really screw its three express carriers. ACA recently filed suit to get a straight answer from United if it will honor it's contract. They want the BK judge to force United to give this information before the end of February for financial planning and to decide if they need to actively pursuit a different code share partner. On top of this it appears United’s hardball tactics with its creditors may be backfiring. As United has demanded half price deals on most of it's aircraft leases including some of it's newer equipment, creditors seem to be getting fed up and more anxious to get a reasonable payment or possibly a return of some of the newer airplanes. United may think these tactics are the best way to get what they need but I think it could end up doing more damage in the long run. SkyWest and now apparently ACA are threatening to take their RJ's elsewhere if United keeps this crap up. This would instantly not only weaken United more but buoy up it's competitors all in one fell swoop. On top of that I think as some of these regionals get backed into the corner they may be left with little choice but to come out swinging by starting independent "at risk" flying and directly competing with United on the routes they used to feed United on. This type of scenario was the basis that this thread was started on (SkyWest's need for bigger airplanes) and quite probably why some top managers at SkyWest have dropped a hint that bigger airplanes are a very real possibility.

Reversing direction one more time, I think SkyWest would be smart to buy Frontier Airlines and feed the current JetExpress operated by Mesa with it's own possible surplus of RJ's. Frontier's current market Cap is only $150 million. SkyWest has the money and know how to pull this off and grow things from there. America West could be had for just over $100 mil but it has too many liabilities and operational problems. JetBlue and Alaska are out of SkyWest's price range up at over 1 billion each. So, when all is said and done I see SkyWest either 1. Starting a completely new operation with 717's, 737's or A318/9's 2. Buying Frontier and integrating. 3. Buying chunks of United when they go Chapter 7. In the mean time they will do everything they can to secure their current code shares until they can ramp up for any of these other three possibilities. Don’t be surprised to see another code share announced by SkyWest in the very near future also. Of course all of these scenarios and predictions are subject to change and mileage may vary so don’t kill the messenger:) Do I have any "Devils Advocates"' to help me see the error of my thinking....I've been wrong before!
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Where does COEX routes come into play in your thought process. This rumor has been going around now. Either flying in the Neast or down in the carib?

You know, there's more to purshasing an airline that simply paying cash or exchanging stock to the market cap of the target airline. Especially in the industry, debt is one big consideration, as the assumption could just as well bury the buyer as it has the bought.

Additionally, I haven't heard anything about us "ready" to take our RJs and look elsewhere. I've heard we're looking as a backup plan, but not as a threat to get United moving. I don't think UAL is waffling on purpose, I think they're trying to swim upstream with lead weights on their feet.
CL65 how long have you been at 9E? NWA will never let the 9s die the last crew to fly a bus to the boneyard will ride back on a DC9. NWA loves those old hunks of crap.
Also, much like Delta is overlapping it's Delta Connection flying with several outfits Northwest may want to "strike proof" its territory as well. That is just a guess though.

The NW MEC has veto rights against any new codeshare agreements and they have vowed to have Pinnacle and Mesaba be the exclusive "regional" partners. With the way Duane Worth has been pounding the "brand scope" drum it would be ironic if he allowed his own carrier to violate it. I don't believe that Big Sky, or anyone else, will be getting a piece of the NWA pie any time soon.
corky said:
The problem with stretching a 717 and making it go farther is it starts to conflict with 737 sales

No, Corky, the problem with stretching a B717 and making it go farther" are the **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** UNCOMFORTABLE SEATS!

Ask any B717 pilot, and he'll tell you, the two problems are the hard seats, and the maddening fact that the FMS changes between a default "cruise" speed and a "descent" speed. When ATC hangs a speed on you, which happens just about every flight now, they don;t care if you are level OR descending, and neither should the FMS. 300 assigned is 300 assigned, is 300 assigned, is "300 ASSIGNED!".

Other than that, the B717 definitely does not suck.
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Hey Ty,

I hear you on the seats. They are unconfortable. There were several changes made prior to production based on the Boeing pilots feedback but then again they don't spend 6 to 8 hours in the airplane per day. I spoke with cog engineer for the seats and he hadn't heard of any complaints from the field. If it's really an issue get L.N. or J.O. to write a letter and we'll see what can be done.
As far as the FMS goes I don't really understand what you're talking about. I'm assuming you mean when you're in prof mode and the airplane begins the descent it swithches to a default speed? If that's the case can't you go into the PERF page and enter a descent speed while at cruise? Clarify the scenario and I'll look into it. We have some FMS mods coming out soon. Not sure if your complaint will be addressed.

Airtran has only positive comments about the 717 and is making noise to Boeing about 717-300, Qantas (formerly Impulse) loves the 717 and has been making noise to Boeing about 713 as well.

The 717 is made for the short hop market, Airtran says that they are saving 20-30% in fuel when compaired against the DC9.

The only drawback for the 717 for the regionals is the price tag, 20-30 million per aircraft, ouch!


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