Besides the obvious technical stuff, don't forget the basics:
1. Clean, pressed suit. Grey, dark blue or black.
2. White or light blue shirt.
3. Neutral tie, preferably dark red.
4. Clean, shined dress shoes!
5. Fresh haircut, no more than 3 days old.
6. Good shave.
7. Fresh breathe.
You'd be surprised how many people overlook these things and how important they are. They tell the interviewers a lot about a person.
Best of luck to you. Eagle is a GREAT place to work.
1. Just spent a grand total of $650 at Men's Wearhouse the other day. (covering #1-4)
5. Going for a haircut tomorrow.
6. Well I WAS going to go for the sexy Brad Pitt scruff look; but if you insist I'll shave. just kidding
7. I'm packin breath mints in my case.
On a side note. I signed on here to take a moments rest from filling out the application supplemement. They want all the flight times rounded to the nearest hour. If I do that though I'm consistantly coming one hour off either direction. It's driving me crazy because the instructions say that everything should add up across and vertically. Anyone have any advice?