Are they supercharged with turbo neon gas or something? Could you guys maybe hold off on turning those on at night until you get out on the runway and not RIGHT WHEN the controller tells you "position and hold?" We now have permanent flash damage on the rear cockpit bulkhead of N394AA thanks to Jetblue strobe paranoia.
Yeah, I know.... runway safety, the USAir/Skywest LAX deal, etc.... it all makes sense but a little judgment, compromise and common sense go a long way. Such as, when nobody's landing on JFK 31L (only 31R), maybe you could wait till you get lined up? That way, your strobes are still on while on the runway to alert an approaching aircraft's incorrect 31L lineup while respecting the night vision of those
behind you.
A comprimise sounds great. Perhaps you guys could taxi a little faster than 3kts. Thanks for making me miss my already jacked up commute.