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Dumb Ass Legacy Pilots Need Rudder Training

  • Thread starter sunlitpath
  • Start date
  • Watchers 18

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I cant believe you're such an idiot.....jesus! go shoot yourself! PLEASE!!!!

You didn't even ask for a YOUTUBE feed so we could all see it????!!!

Old age, I guess...
We need the 200 hour wonders back, they never crashed a plane. Cuz they were too scared to touch anything.
No one died, so relax. The majors have not lost a hull since the AA in Nov near JFK. In the meantime, plenty of regionals have had numerous hull loses. From the 410 cowboys, to taking off on the wrong runway, to just straight-up damn stalling the airplane into the ground.

It's because they were lucky, NOT good. EWR or ATL had the potential to exceed the above listed accidents body count, COMBINED.
I cant believe you're such an idiot.....jesus! go shoot yourself! PLEASE!!!!
Did I strike a nerve? It's true. Just look at the history of airline crashes for this decade, 2001-2010. Then when you grow up, take a deep breath, and can maturely carry a conversation, we'll talk. Recent incidents of legacy carriers: landing on a taxiway, overflying a destination, overshooting at Jamaica, skidding off the side at Denver. No deaths. Recent incidents of regionals: descending below published MDA and killing everyone, taking off the wrong runway and killing everyone (FO lived), and just outright stalling the airplane into the ground, killing everyone. What is your argument regarding this topic?
The Feds have ruled that major airline pilots are dumb asses and need training on how to use a rudder for directional control while on the take-off roll (Continental, Denver). Someone must stop the madness at the major airlines. Give these guys some training for God's sake! Tell them to use some F'n hair gel too, their hair is simply ridiculous...

Hey, I think we flew together the other day. Weren't you the guy death gripping the yoke due to that crosswind that was 8kts gusting to 12? Would you mind bringing a Sham-Wow! to wipe your sweat off the thrust levers next time? Thanks!
Hey, I think we flew together the other day. Weren't you the guy death gripping the yoke due to that crosswind that was 8kts gusting to 12? Would you mind bringing a Sham-Wow! to wipe your sweat off the thrust levers next time? Thanks!
No, it wasn't me, Mr Wackoff. It takes more than 8 knots to get me excited. The only time I really sweat is when I am working with your mother...
Know the difference between hull loss and fatalities you tool!

Tool? Thanks Mr. Internet Tough Guy.

Hull loss, fatalities, call it whatever you want. Bottom line is regional pilots have farked up much more than major/legacy pilots, and with deadlier results. And some of the reasons are just downright stupid. Elementary things like taking off on the wrong runway, and stalling an airplane into the ground. Whether one wants to admit it or not, there is a difference in safety when you compare the majors to the regionals. MANY regionals get paid on completion factor. So, management will push their pilots to complete their flights. Even if unsafe. Money trumps all. Regionals are already insured for the next crash. It's all math. Some lawyer sat down and explained to them the loss of money if they train more, schedule better, hire more, equip planes with ground separation/conflict alert equipment, and all those safety enhancements compared to how much they'll lose on the next crash. And they choose to insure for the next crash. NOTHING has changed since the Colgan crash. NOTHING. No rest rule changes, no fatigue changes. Everything done was all smoke and mirrors. The majors is a world of a difference between regionals. Ask any Delta Connection RJ pilot that has been hired at Delta.

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