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Don't interview at PSA!!!

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120% Torque said:
It never ceases to amaze me how other pilots will kick a fellow pilot when he is down! Whether you believe tarheel87 or not at least show him a little respect. I see no serious libel here on the part of tarheel87. Only stating the facts as he sees them. He didn't do any name calling or hurl any truley defamatory insults. He was trying to warn other pilots of a potientially bad situation that he personally experienced. Bottom line, if you dont have exact details and haven't walked in anothers shoes, keep your mouth shut. Historically speaking management has been caught not playing fair much more often than pilots. Think about it.

120% Torque, you stated exactly what I was thinking. After going through all the responses, it absolutely amazes me at how fast fellow pilots are to pull the trigger on one of their own.

IMO, this is one of the biggest reasons why our industry is spiraling into the gutter .... lack of unity and mutual respect. The only constant seems to be the "I've got mine, screw everyone else" SOP.

Unless one of you was in that sim, conducting this guy's training, you have no right to assume anything. Give him the benefit of the doubt, at least until you have proof showing otherwise. Remember, life is a full circle ladies & gents ... the methods by which you judge others may one day be used to judge you.

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So, that was your NCSU class ring I noticed while you were picking your nose?
Don't be bustin' on my Heels. It's a rebuilding thing. Dean Smith was burned in effigy before he became a BB GOD. Enjoy it while it lasts because They'll be back.
Besides if you really want to hear whining just listen to Rat-face Boy over at Puke. Ugh.
What were your motives beyond your first post tarheel? What could you possibly hope to have gained? Would you really feel better knowing that someone did not go to PSA because of your comments?
Seriously tarheel, I am truly sorry about your situation, just like I said in my previous post. But the fact is that you have nothing to gain by discussing this three months later other than a spirited discussion on this message board. You will not get a second chance and I don't think people are going to stop coming to PSA. So if you really want to find a few more un-informed sympathy supporters like torque and driver, then carry on, but the rest of us at PSA all know the reason you were let go. We have a relatively small pilot group and word travels fast. It is not common for someone to wash out at the very end. In fact you are right, you are the only one I have ever heard of being let go right before the checkride. So obviously you can fly, but if you were there to be part of the team then you wouldn't have been let go. Hopefully you can learn from this experience, continue hating PSA the rest of your life and find a new airline job.
Good luck amigo in your search.
I just wanted to chime in on the whole not being furloughed until after your checkride. I can say for a fact that isn't true. I was furloughed afer one week of ground school. It sucked, but we were called back after 7 weeks. PSA is a good place to work and the Dornier is a great plane to fly.

Anyone with an opportunity to interview there needs to ignore Tarheel's stupid rants and jump at the chance.
Tarheel, Geez man. I really can't believe you started this thread. I was there when you started and there when you were told it wasen't working out. You know exactly why you were let go and so does your sim partner. Give me a break dude. I'm sorry it didn't work out (name withheld) but you need to get over this. Apparently you are having a problem with this. May I advise you not to binge drink when you write messages on this board. Regardless of what you think, everything was done to try to get you through this. We could have worked on the sim skill's, but your attitude toward everything and especially female pilots was way beyond our help. Deny it if you want to but if you need to get things out, then we will get things out.

Good luck in your future endeavors. I really do hope you have learned from your experience here. No other regional would have put up with it that long.
328dude said:
We could have worked on the sim skill's, but your attitude toward everything and especially female pilots was way beyond our help.

Oh, now I'm curious! What was the attitude toward female pilots all about?

I'm not out to flame Tarhell here, but his comments pushed the edge on blaming his release on other factors that had absolutly nothing to due with the real reasons's why he was asked to leave. He knows the real reason/'s but seems to still be searching for other excuses to help him cope with his release from employmet here.

I do wish him well, but flaming a department of PSA that did everything to help Tarheel, is not the way to deal with this. He was offered help from a number of people, including myself, which he strongly refused.

Tarheel, if you need to vent, then vent, but stating false accusations on why you were released is not the way. I'm sure you are unwilling to talk about the real reasons on this board due to the fact your reputation and your fear of others member's comments once they know the real reasons about your release would seriously damage your ego.

Good Day
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