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Don't interview at PSA!!!

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Gota chime in on this one. Please note airplanes I fly Dornier 328. Tarheel, sorry it did not work out for you, but you do not have to be such a baby, suck it and drive on there high speed. Everybody at PSA knows why you were fired and your post pretty much shows it: bad ATTITUDE. Please do not pass on your problems to your students, we do not need pilots out there that are so negative.
Tarfoot 78

Now this is a statment that I can work with.

First off I am sorry that you put forth the effort and did not recieve the reward.

Now for the core event, it is my understanding that PSA recieves educational tax credits, for everyone that requires training. I.E. (pilots, F/A's mechanics, etc). So are they out 40K, I doubt it.

As for the frequency that this occurs I have no idea.

I did however state that there is a NEW director of training at PSA,:) .
I used to fly for PSA...so here are my two cents.
PSA's training program is one of the hardest I have ever heard of but if you give it everything you have, including a good attitude, you should get through it. Smokingman called it for sure. Your training is a tax write off for continuing your education. So they didn't lose a dime. When I went through training one guy was washed out on lesson seven or eight. Common sense would say, hey, I made it this far and the company has invested so much in me why would they can me now? Won't they atleast work with me a little bit longer? NOPE. For what ever reason they didn't think twice about asking you to leave. They didn't lose a dime.

As for not being a furlough until you pass your checkride that is wrong. When I went through I was given a seniority number which equalls recall rights unless I am fired. I passed my ground training, took my oral exam, and was then released to take my checkride on 09-10-01. Then September 11th happened and I WAS FURLOUGHED. I don't know why I wasn't fired, but I was on the seniority list, and if furloughed I was entitled to recall rights.

Like they say: check your attitude at the door, grab your Preperation H and KY jelly and cooperate/graduate. PSA has a great group of pilots, and I do miss that at my new company. Sorry you got canned, but take a look a yourself before you start blaming oters.
Mid thirties father, Army Officer, 20 year pilot, ATP, CFI, and self employed business owner

Sounds like someone who has all the answers to me. :D

New Director of Training at PSA

I'm curioius, what happened to Bradley S.?
Some things are better left untold.
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It never ceases to amaze me how other pilots will kick a fellow pilot when he is down! Whether you believe tarheel87 or not at least show him a little respect. I see no serious libel here on the part of tarheel87. Only stating the facts as he sees them. He didn't do any name calling or hurl any truley defamatory insults. He was trying to warn other pilots of a potientially bad situation that he personally experienced. Bottom line, if you dont have exact details and haven't walked in anothers shoes, keep your mouth shut. Historically speaking management has been caught not playing fair much more often than pilots. Think about it.
As a former 328 Cowboy, I had a dude in my class with almost the exact same qualifications wash out of training, pre 911. Made it through every single phase of training except the checkride. I guess, to borrow a Dicky Vitale line, he wasn't a "Prime time Player." The writing was on the wall for him as well way before the checkride. Just ask any pilot, just because one can pass a ground school, sim prep, and an oral, checkride, it doesn't make one a decent pilot!!! As Agassi says..."attitude is everything."

BTW...PSA 328 training is THE most brutal in the industry....at least it was when I went through.

Tarheel 87,

If what you claim is true, why did you wait months later to post this story of your poor treatment? I have a feeling you're not telling us the whole truth. :eek:

Hey guys I did post 3.5 months ago...when one of my fellow PSA pilots posted if any one had heard about guys taking it in the gut at the end of the sim phase. And to try to add some credit to my story, I WAS NOT THE ONLY PERSON THIS HAPPENED TO!!!!!!!!!!!!

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