Well, flying is boring. I figured that much out during my primary training on x-countrys. The "coolness" factor kept me going. Its redundnant and regimented. you do the same thing over and over and over. Its a different profession for the avg. joe, for sure. They prolly find it highly exciting and respectable b/c they dont know better. but its become very standardized and you really are just a computer programmer and monitor. Thats the job in a nutshell and why wages arent so high anymore. ANYONE can do this job. For chirsts sake, you had kids going from zero hours to rjs in under a year. Some of these guys even managed to get on with majors or something bigger than a CRJ or ERJ. Handflying is not much done from what I see. And most ofthe time they want you on AP anyway. The pilot is way out of the loop and lost many privilges & authority a while ago. Its no fun sitting in an airplane for hours on AP or a filthy hotel with early shows and limited drinking. you are away from things you rather want to do. Not sit in a boondock town. you miss your family and love ones.
OP, be happy you have a job what ever it is. All work becomess a job eventually. In the end, its what your happy to tell people what you do and live whrere your pay goes further. I dont even want to think of the horrors of reserve. That blows.
But I hope sine your at CAL you knew flying was boring when you did you long x-countries. Thats where I realized it but invested too much to just stop.
OP, be happy you have a job what ever it is. All work becomess a job eventually. In the end, its what your happy to tell people what you do and live whrere your pay goes further. I dont even want to think of the horrors of reserve. That blows.
But I hope sine your at CAL you knew flying was boring when you did you long x-countries. Thats where I realized it but invested too much to just stop.