No more so than a DC9. It is an airplane and has a market.
What we need to do is recognize it for what it is and deal with it. Totally arbitrary lines in the sand do not improve our profession. We need to get this stuff on mainline's list. A staple for Compass would be a good start.
Just curious, why the special treatment for this group of pilots that has done nothing to earn this loyalty. Just a bunch of guys that say an oportunity to be at the top of a seniority list flying a nice airplane for a few dollars more than fifty seat pay. In some cases less than fifty seat pay.
Why not just give all Alpa pilots in the DL\NW system a number at the bottom of the big list. It would seem that you are falling for the old trick of only airplanes big enough or nice enough are worth fighting for.
Seniority without longevity costs DL nothing. It should not be that hard.