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DL and Virgin

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Ahahahaha! Dakar is only from the NYC base, not ATL. You guys ALL can go to LBB and MAF, and only you Red get sick from the quesadilla at the hotel bar in LBB......(we all heard)

And, people don't call people from Europe? ( you use Skype). Is it too far for someone like you to call back to the US? If you are calling, can't you use the wifi to look at something you enjoy? (FI). Sure you could Red, but you never will. Nah, you LUV the Texas Shuffle too much. Enjoy it Red. 2 days, 12 legs. That would absolutely stink.....

Bye Bye---General Lee


What the hell are you talking about?

I'm usually home more than I would ever need Skype. I haven't been to LLB or MAF for years...so yet again, you have no idea what your talking about. I usually do 2-3 legs a day...transcon (get that through your thick skull) and then I'm home after only being gone for around two and a half days. Not out flying 4 day trips like you do for a crap credit of 18. You guys really need to increase your pay or rigs......something, because that blows. Need me to look at those low credit lines again just for an update? I'd be glad too..

Our MIN 3 day pays 19.5 (4 day is 26....and that min General). I usually fly 12.5 block and get the rig of 19.5. Talk about easy. You guys still doing those Asian 6 day trips? The ones where you deadhead over and are gone for more than a week, then deadhead back? That's sounds like a miserable schedule. You know it is, admit it.

How's that 26 Billion dollar debt? Maybe you could squeeze a little more out of the regional carriers. You'd sign up for that in a heartbeat if you got another 1% raise. 20% of DL's profit from them, while they get the shaft. You feel good about that.....sure you do. Enjoy your constant and never ending outsourcing. I heard there's another JV right around the corner. Yet again, no growth...ouch.

What the hell are you talking about?

I'm usually home more than I would ever need Skype. I haven't been to LLB or MAF for years...so yet again, you have no idea what your talking about. I usually do 2-3 legs a day...transcon (get that through your thick skull) and then I'm home after only being gone for around two and a half days. Not out flying 4 day trips like you do for a crap credit of 18. You guys really need to increase your pay or rigs......something, because that blows. Need me to look at those low credit lines again just for an update? I'd be glad too..

Our MIN 3 day pays 19.5 (4 day is 26....and that min General). I usually fly 12.5 block and get the rig of 19.5. Talk about easy. You guys still doing those Asian 6 day trips? The ones where you deadhead over and are gone for more than a week, then deadhead back? That's sounds like a miserable schedule. You know it is, admit it.

How's that 26 Billion dollar debt? Maybe you could squeeze a little more out of the regional carriers. You'd sign up for that in a heartbeat if you got another 1% raise. 20% of DL's profit from them, while they get the shaft. You feel good about that.....sure you do. Enjoy your constant and never ending outsourcing. I heard there's another JV right around the corner. Yet again, no growth...ouch.

Yeah, sure you don't go to West Texas towns, riiiight! Why are you scared to admit that? So defensive! Look at your name--SOUTHWEST.... Why...so...serious? You need to look at your origins Red, you are blasphemous.

And your min is 19.5 on a 3 day? That's great. Almost all of the 3 day Europe trips from ATL are worth over 20 hours. You lose. Throw in very productive 6 day Europe trips worth up to 40 hours, and you can't compete. I used to do ATL to Rome, to JFK, to Rome and back to ATL, and they were worth, wait for it, 40 hours. In 6 days. Your domestic rules limit you to 30 in 7. You lose.

And $26 million in debt? Here you go again. When you don't know what to say, you go for the debt... Which is being shrunk at a very fast rate. Down $9 billion in 4 years. At that rate and the increase of yearly profit, the debt and pension deficit will be erased in a decade or sooner. $500 million profit in July, Red. That is more than 3 quarters at your airline. That must make you wince!

Goodnight Red, you lost.

Bye Bye---General Lee
In your shoes, I'd be flying more, that infant of yours needs more 529 money for college, and if your airline somehow survives the next decade, you probably still won't be able to afford it on your own. Pick up more trips....

Bye Bye---General Lee

Speaking of picking up more trips, I heard from one DPA guy that so many Delta pilots were picking up green slip trips that it was hindering recalls for the furloughed Delta pilots. Yikes. I thought you guys were paid pretty good. Why are people bending over backwards for green slips just because it pays more?

My infant has a pretty good start in the 529, and unlike you, I have a non-flying business on the side. It's not brining in a whole lot but it's still in the infancy stage and at some point it should bring in a decent amount depending on how much work I put into it. It's a nice supplement, and as they say, always have a backup.
Freeturd, still not contributing anything. Dahni is upset.Bye Bye---General Lee

Haha looks who talking, as if you ever contribute anything worthwhile. Same old tired worn responses putz. Attack SWA and the Regionals, brillant. Enjoy your "sundae".
I realize you can use a smartphone in Europe, but why would you? This is were your persona falls apart. Aren't you supposed to be out having dinner in a fine French resturant and checking out the Louvre? Maybe that virtual tour on the computer works for you.

Enjoy Dakar d-bag, meanwhile I'll be at home after being gone.....all of 2 days..haha.

Ok, stop right there! Dakar isn't that bad! Especially if you're a surfer!:D
But I agree with you, most people that fly europe (or any international) aren't jerking off on this forum like the genital, which just proves my point that the kid is a phony!
Another LAME debate....

WTF does this have do with Virgin Atlantic????

Honestly, FI is getting worse and worse by the day. WTF cares if you fly to Accra or Spokane? Some people must love the drama - but I bet most people are annoyed by it. What I care about is how pilot jobs are impacted by these types of strategic moves - not about what kind of ZINGERS Bubba and GL can throw at each other to prove their worth. It gets old REAL quick...

How about we get back on track and discuss the topic at hand? How will Virgin's flights impact Delta's participation on these vital routes? How will Virgin's new 787-900s be used in conjunction with Delta's fleet? It is probably too much to try to steer the discussion back to the original topic.
And your min is 19.5 on a 3 day? That's great. Almost all of the 3 day Europe trips from ATL are worth over 20 hours. You lose. Throw in very productive 6 day Europe trips


You are an airline pilot right? You understand a Rig right?

You missed the point that I fly 12-13hrs and get paid a Rig of 19.5. That's the minimum three day rig. You guys can't even touch that productivity. Prove me wrong.

The second part of your post is hilarious. A 6 day Europe trip? That sounds miserable. You can have it. I'd rather be home in 2 days, so I think in the end you lose for not making top coin while your gone...and sometimes being gone for 6-7 days. That sucks brother. Glad you like it though.
Speaking of picking up more trips, I heard from one DPA guy that so many Delta pilots were picking up green slip trips that it was hindering recalls for the furloughed Delta pilots. Yikes. I thought you guys were paid pretty good. Why are people bending over backwards for green slips just because it pays more?

My infant has a pretty good start in the 529, and unlike you, I have a non-flying business on the side. It's not brining in a whole lot but it's still in the infancy stage and at some point it should bring in a decent amount depending on how much work I put into it. It's a nice supplement, and as they say, always have a backup.

Your first mistake was listening to a DPA guy.

Second, do a fact-check. All furloughed were offered a return all through the years of 07 and 08 when we were hiring so nobody was out against their will.

I have found over the years that anybody who brags to other pilots about how great their second job is....it really isn't because they would be gone from the airline in a heartbeat if it was so much better. I live within my means and don't have to sweat out two jobs or because I have a (insert reason here) to pay for.

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