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Delta to Drop CHQ?

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The "prayer" thing is pretty regular, that's not the thing that is concerning. The cancellation of classes, that's a red flag. There are a couple of thought's out there, good and bad. We shall see what happens come this friday, supposedly.
Personally, I'm starting to think it's a trade of 145/135's for 170's. That's just me, simply an opinion though.
Also, AND I AM NOT SURE OF THIS I heard that we are now more expensive than Comair, I DONT KNOW IF THIS IS TRUE , but if it is, thats a concern as well.
Comair guys, dont take that as a shot at you, we all know you did a hell of a job a few years back, and whats going on now is unfortunate to say the least.
I was sitting at home this morning thinking (after being gone 6 days) wouldnt it be nice if I could just count on having a job after a year? Already been laid off once, and my year anniversary is in 2 days.
got the word today from a friend of mine who is currently in class.

In my opinion, the CHQ pilots are better off not beng forced into competing for DCI flying anyway. This is going to get uglier before it gets better.

It's not personal. It's business. And pilots at our level have a lot less control over how this shakes out than we think. The race to the bottom is going to run itself out, wether we like it or not. Living in the past on these issues will not help. We could easily find ourselves once again defending positions like 737 Flight Engineers.

This race is no different than the one we all gleefully participate in, every time we buy a Chines made television at Wal-Mart instead of an American made model at a Mom&Pop appliance store.

We made this bed as a nation. Now let's sleep in it!!!
and another thing...The stupid car on Dukes of Hazard was also disrespectful.
Illinois said:
Would you mind answering these questions, GL?

I read his "bragging" in an employee monthly paper my friend sent me. I used his exact words. And, I flew for a "commuter" out of MDW in the early 90's.

Bye Bye--General Lee
buscap said:
and another thing...The stupid car on Dukes of Hazard was also disrespectful.

Stupid is as stupid does. Nice Snoopy avatar.

Bye Bye--General Lee
General Lee said:
Oh really???? I guess you missed the part about our group bringing the wages to THE HIGHEST POINT EVER? We raised the bar higher than anyone else, EVER.

In real dollars, that simply isn't true. Besides, your pilot group just stood on United's shoulders. They did the heavy lifting. If you want to talk about what Delta's accomplished on its own, the destruction of alter-ego protection in our industry would be as good a place as any to start...

What should Reber have said and done? Anyone can criticise, Sport. Let us know what you would have done differently?

Skywest gave Delta a bunch of cash, and took over their ASA RJ debt. Taking over debt isn't assuming any risk for Delta in your mind? Delta was on the ropes, and accepted Skywest's offer. Complain about DL if you don't like the terms!

I would imagine now you are going to claim labor rates are what made the deal so attractive. Well...not really. We are not the cheapest 70 seat labor or operator. Secondly, the ASA purchase and contract extension was about cash and debt. We had the cash, and SGU believes the ability to manage YOUR company's former debt.

I would now imagine that you are going to claim we are solely responsible for starting the ball down the hill regarding payrates. The 700 for 200 rate was short-sighted and dumb. No doubt! We had a bunch of folks that believed we worked in a vacuum, and SGU would change the rates later. MGT implemented the Bonus Program, and feels it is the implied reach around. Performance rewards is decent money for those eligible, but our pilot group still wants the rate issues worked out. 1.2% wasn't good enough, and we honorably said no. Yes General, 1.2 is probably gone. Feel better? Concentrating on work rules seems to be in vogue. I know...SAPA has no teeth, and you're right. Feel even better now?

You constantly choose to berate Skywest pilot's for the 700 for 200 crap. Maybe you feel that by doing so you are educating us with your broad reach via FlightInfo, and this will give us the strength to be a real pilot group someday. Or perhaps you are simply a guy who finds it easiest to build a straw man against me rather than confronting your groups short sightedness. The former is pretty foolish (almost as much as me responding) and arrogant. 50-99 seats is done. It ain't changin anymore than RJ's with mainline paint on them. Did you vote for any contract that allowed a turbo fan powered CRJ or EMB in Delta colors? I know you did, and that is where this WHOLE crap storm begins.

The answer is solidarity from here on out. No more outsourcing mainline code. No more regional vs. mainline stuff. Props to long-haul equipment should be flown by people on the same seniority list. It may be a pipe dream, but I don't see many other option with the waters so muddied.

Good day.
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JJs Cantina said:
Back to the subject this was all started about. Word on the street is all CHQ 145 classes have been canceled indefinately. Fact: BB was in Atlanta early this week discussing CHQ's future with Dleta. All is speculation, but I think that everyone needs to start preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. When a CEO is asking his employees to "pray"... not good. But it is BB so who knows.

correct. he was in ATL yesterday, Feb 28th... Hope for the best.....

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