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Delta to Drop CHQ?

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General Lee said:
Your senior guys are "mad" at the company (which they should be) and the majority aren't flying it, and the junior guys just off of upgrade are, since they are now trained for the CR7 in the sim.

General, once again you mystify me with your ability to transform your ideas into "facts."

Where on Earth do you get this idea? From your "friend" in SLC? From my perusal of the bid sheets in the various CRJ7 domiciles each month, the 700 generally goes to the top end of the bid sheet for both Captains and F.O.s due primarily to QOL issues: less legs, more credit per leg and thus more efficient trips. Generally the CR7 trips pay more and have more days off.

I have seen you make this claim several times but I have to speak out yet again to counter your proclaimed "truths" about the way things are at SkyWest as factual incorrect.

I am sorry to tell you, but you simply are not an expert in every subject that passes across your computer screen, as much as it may shock you...
Rogue5 said:
General, once again you mystify me with your ability to transform your ideas into "facts."

Where on Earth do you get this idea? From your "friend" in SLC? From my perusal of the bid sheets in the various CRJ7 domiciles each month, the 700 generally goes to the top end of the bid sheet for both Captains and F.O.s due primarily to QOL issues: less legs, more credit per leg and thus more efficient trips. Generally the CR7 trips pay more and have more days off.

I have seen you make this claim several times but I have to speak out yet again to counter your proclaimed "truths" about the way things are at SkyWest as factual incorrect.

I am sorry to tell you, but you simply are not an expert in every subject that passes across your computer screen, as much as it may shock you...

EVERY SkyWest Captain I have talked to (including my friend in SLC) refuses to fly it, even though they could easily hold CR7 lines. They won't do it. I bet the majority won't, and therefore mostly junior pilots fly it. Where are most of them flying? ORD or DEN? ORD is very junior, and the Captains there are not as senior as SLC. How many UA CR7 flights originate in SLC? I know you will have some DL trips next month from SLC, but overall your UAL CR7s departures from SLC are very small. You know I am right, but you chose to slam me because I seem to know something about your company. Hey, fix it. Keep voting NO on stupid TAs and try to get a pay difference for larger aircraft. Look how profitable you are.....

Bye Bye--General Lee
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General Lee said:
Your acceptance of "one rate for jets" really started the ball rolling DOWNHILL.

Bye Bye--General Lee
The truth distilled to it's essence. The SKYW pilots are responsable for the entire industry's woes, wait I think that a few of the SKYW pilots are AlQueda also, that would explain everything, destroy the airline industry from the inside, by "lowering the bar" for all the pilots, which then causes, the airlines to hire the mesa rejects who are really AlQueda operatives undercover at the san juan program, which then allows them to cause customer dissatisfaction, causing reduced loads, which then causes lower profits, which then causes more flying to be transferred to regional codeshares, which then causes more global warming, due to the decreased efficency caused by RJ lack of seating and overhead bin space. So to sum it up SKYW pilots are the cause of global warming and deterioration of the polar ice caps, which causes flooding and lost passenger loads from coastal cities close to sea level ala New Orleans, which then causes gEneral toolbox to bid a smaller airframe. It is crystal clear now! I see the reason for the hate now.
hypocrite confederate officers

General Lee,

What a waste time this is for me, but you have finally warranted comment. Just how responsible for the "ball rolling" is every single DL pilot who has willingly taken a pay cut? A pay cut proportionally higher than the SKY pilots 50 to 70 seat pay disparity!!!!

Dude! Look in the mirror you none-falling-on-your-own-sword-piece-of-viagra-inflated-reproductively-challeged crap slinger.

With the exception of the nearly scabbed-out GJ pilots, we are all doing the best we can in an absolutely terrible situation, which is not of our own making.

In the end it's about food on the table, while enjoying what we do for a living. You and your ilk would deny me the chance to fly a more comfortable and safer piece of regional equipment. A piece of equipment which would you would never allow on your property for anything approaching a revenue generating range.

I fly it for the same rate I flew a turboprop, but it is safer and gives me a higher quality of life than I had on the prop by virtue of more interesting overnights and less noise related stress.

Tell me something you puke sack....how much sleep do you lose, knowing you have put so many bus drivers out of business by providing a safer and quicker means of transportation?

Dude!!!! Stick to the MAJORS board where all the other ED testimonials hang out.


PS. And change your handle. You disrespect an honorable man.
General Lee said:
Your senior guys are "mad" at the company (which they should be) and the majority aren't flying it, and the junior guys just off of upgrade are, since they are now trained for the CR7 in the sim. SkyWest understands this, and also knows that their 5 year Captain rate is $6 less per hour compared to Eagle, $5 less than ASA, $1 less than Comair, $3 less than PSA, and only $1 more than MESA. How well is SkyWest doing again? I know most of you voted down the TA, but what are you going to do now?

Bye Bye--General Lee

I'm trying really hard to be diplomatic, so here we go again: You're missing the point!!!! You keep repeating that "SkyWest understands this" regarding paying less on the 70 than others... I get what you're saying, I'm just telling you that this is no miracle plan from J.A. to save the company even more money because they're paying less for "junior" guys to fly the CR7, point is the total cost to the operation is the same regardless...So there's no giant savings for SkyWest even if it were true that the that the junior guys were bidding the CR7 and senior guys the 50! The total cost to the company is the same because they still have an overall total crew cost based on total seniority in both aircraft.
buscap said:
General Lee,

What a waste time this is for me, but you have finally warranted comment. Just how responsible for the "ball rolling" is every single DL pilot who has willingly taken a pay cut? A pay cut proportionally higher than the SKY pilots 50 to 70 seat pay disparity!!!!

Dude! Look in the mirror you none-falling-on-your-own-sword-piece-of-viagra-inflated-reproductively-challeged crap slinger.

With the exception of the nearly scabbed-out GJ pilots, we are all doing the best we can in an absolutely terrible situation, which is not of our own making.

In the end it's about food on the table, while enjoying what we do for a living. You and your ilk would deny me the chance to fly a more comfortable and safer piece of regional equipment. A piece of equipment which would you would never allow on your property for anything approaching a revenue generating range.

I fly it for the same rate I flew a turboprop, but it is safer and gives me a higher quality of life than I had on the prop by virtue of more interesting overnights and less noise related stress.

Tell me something you puke sack....how much sleep do you lose, knowing you have put so many bus drivers out of business by providing a safer and quicker means of transportation?

Dude!!!! Stick to the MAJORS board where all the other ED testimonials hang out.


PS. And change your handle. You disrespect an honorable man.

Oh really???? I guess you missed the part about our group bringing the wages to THE HIGHEST POINT EVER? We raised the bar higher than anyone else, EVER. We helped Southwest and FedEx get what they have today, and they would agree. The SkyWest pilots BLEW IT when they, under the guise of maybe losing the UAL contract (that was signed again the NEXT MORNING by 7am according to press releases), signed up for GROWTH and blending pay rates for the first time EVER at the regional level. The more experienced pilots---the senior ones---all VOTED NO. The junior Captains, looking for a line of time and better QOL, and MOST OF THE FOs who wanted that quick upgrade so they could get that 1000 hours of PIC that will get them nowhere now---all voted YES. Now they can't even get their 1.2% raise---and even though it was good you voted the next TA down---they still have NO RECOURSE. What will they do now? We took our pay cuts under the assumption that we would stay out of BK---and we had the books to prove it. I guess you knew oil was about to skyrocket (SkyWest doesn't care--we pay the difference for them---thanks guys!). Man alive, you know EVERYTHING. You probably knew about 9-11 in advance? Why didn't you tell anyone?

Oh, you need to fly a "more comfortable and safer piece of equipment" eh? You idiot----you can't wait to fly that CR9 for the same wage as the 50 seater because you think chicks dig the longer RJ(the same pay scale will happen to you too eventually)........ Safer and more comfortable? That has the same cockpit as the other CRJ's...... and just as cramped. When will you learn? Never it seems.

And, as I have stated many times before---must have been when you were still in High School---Herpe High---My name deals with the car on the show the Dukes of Hazard. See, you learn something new every day. Now go off and pop some zits.

Bye Bye--General Lee
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Gr82Aviate said:
I'm trying really hard to be diplomatic, so here we go again: You're missing the point!!!! You keep repeating that "SkyWest understands this" regarding paying less on the 70 than others... I get what you're saying, I'm just telling you that this is no miracle plan from J.A. to save the company even more money because they're paying less for "junior" guys to fly the CR7, point is the total cost to the operation is the same regardless...So there's no giant savings for SkyWest even if it were true that the that the junior guys were bidding the CR7 and senior guys the 50! The total cost to the company is the same because they still have an overall total crew cost based on total seniority in both aircraft.

Thanks for being diplomatic, but you are really missing the big picture here. You have one pay rate for jets from 50 to 99 seats. We do the same for the 757 and 767, but we raised the 757 rates to meet the higher 767 rates. That would be like you having a higher CR7 rate, and then eventually bringing your 50 seat rates up to meet the 70's. Sure the total cost to the company is the same, because you fly the same rate for both planes. That is not good. You deserve more pay on the 70 seater. Can you not see that? If you did get paid differently, like everyone else except Comair due to your deal, you would see even more of a shift in seniority to that plane---for the money. That is NORMAL. That is what happens to professionals. The bigger the plane usually, the more money. It brings in more revenue for the company, and the pilots are usually compensated as such. Your 50 seat rates (and 70 now) are not top scale. Throw in the fact that your junior pilots fly the left seat of the CR7 more often than the senior guys who protest, and the company gets an unexpected bonus----lower costs for the larger plane and more revenue at the same time. Ronny R, Brad H, and JA are high fiving each other right now, and wait---here comes the Comair President too---running in to join in the group high fives!! Awesome. I think Brian Lebreque is waiting to come in for ASA, and Brian Bedford at CHQ is in the crapper currently, but he will be in soon......

Bye Bye--General Lee
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Why do you constantly beat this dead mule? Your sounding like a skipping Britney Spears record, and about as fun to listen to. Are you just doing a copy and paste in 99% of your posts? I think everyone understands what you think. Lets wrap it up and move on.. my hell....
Illinois said:

It wasn't just a good deal for Skywest. Delta gets something out of it! Maybe it was an ok deal for Delta. Maybe it was the best of the worst. But I'd bet my salary against yours that your managers would do it again. I doubt Delta's board would sign-off on something that only produces gains for another entity. It is disingenuous to imply otherwise.

Reber brags about the fuel agreement? Have you heard him speak during anything besides an investors call? I haven't. What would you expect him to say when institutional investers ask him about how fuel prices effect SKYW? You need to quit trying to stir up a hornet's nest with this "bragging" stuff. That's what a successful company does during a conference call, big guy!

What regional did you work for? How long were you there?

Would you mind answering these questions, GL?
Back to the subject this was all started about. Word on the street is all CHQ 145 classes have been canceled indefinately. Fact: BB was in Atlanta early this week discussing CHQ's future with Dleta. All is speculation, but I think that everyone needs to start preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. When a CEO is asking his employees to "pray"... not good. But it is BB so who knows.

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