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Delta shocks wall street...

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So the BK laws only pertain to the Airline industry? What are your views on personal BK? Do you think those people should be shot if they can't pay the bills? Let's return to the wild wild west while we are at it......Thanks Fartknocker....

If I had a dollar for every time a Delta pilot told me when my company was in BK that " you guys should do everybody a favor and go out of business" I wouldn't give a sh!t about the pension I lost....
Shoes on the other foot and now "every things right in the universe" hypocrite.
It's a riot, isn't it? This industries employees only undertand the here and now, and could give a rat's arz about the health of the company. You think if reason had raised it's ugly head 10 years ago that DL would be in this position today. They'll all climb back on the floating log like a bunch of insects that think they are going to save themselves while they head for Niagara Falls.

Someday, somewhere an airline will emerge where their employees understand the long term consequences of instant gratification.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Lowecur... I agree with your premise. Though I chuckled at the insect metaphor and would probably have expressed the sentiment differently, it is apt. DAL, with $22 BILLION in debt, bankrupt, pensions and wages raped, labor agreement in tatters, workforce demoralized... why it's every pilot's current dream employer! :rolleyes:

I cannot, with a straight face, encourage any youth to pursue aviation as a CAREER. Aviation, like medicine and so many other careers, has unfortunately seen its glory days come and go. I feel extremely fortunate to not have a dog running in this race, though the effects are still felt on our side, albeit to a much lesser extent.

delta's awesome mamgement team was the real reference, but if you want an apology just hold you breath.

You should save yours, you'll need it later for your inflatable date!

Funny how they rally the employees to keep the current management in power. Me thinks USair is the way to go.

The only thing funny is you thinking, moron! Just what the world needs, another rj puke who thinks he/she knows it all. Stick with swinging the gear for your captain junior, your in way over your head!


If I had a dollar for every time a Delta pilot told me when my company was in BK that " you guys should do everybody a favor and go out of business" I wouldn't give a sh!t about the pension I lost....
Shoes on the other foot and now "every things right in the universe" hypocrite.

Wow, some pent up anger here. Wow. I never said I thought my airline would NEVER go into BK. And, I don't remember saying that about yours, since there would be a lot of job losses, but if you say so.... I am so glad you got your revenge. Now we both don't have a pension. Great. Feel better now you big baby??

Bye Bye--General Lee
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The wild west need not return, but there should be some accountability here. If someone is too stupid or irresponsible or unable to run a business whether it be their own finances or they hang a shingle somewhere, they should not be in business. So it's okay to loose $22B?? Delta will not make that much money in the next 100 years. They are upside down in thier own operation and are a burden on society and their vendors. They ONLY lost millions again. LOL.

And so was every other bankrupt airline who preceded Delta. Had they not been allowed to abuse the process, Delta might not find itself in bankruptcy. Maybe CAL, USAir, AmWest, UAL, NWA and the list goes on should no longer be in business!
I think AWA went BK twice, and USAir did too. And they both used ATSB loans, right?

Bye Bye--General Lee
"Cost savings..." :laugh: I don't have a dog in this race and this is not meant as a criticism of any DAL employees... but I can't help but wonder how all the suppliers, vendors, manufacturers, contractors, investors, etc... feel knowing Delta will renege on about $15 BILLION in obligations (debt) owed to them.

It's an amazing world where you can rack up approximately $22 BILLION in debt and simply walk away from 2/3's of it through a bankruptcy filing. That's a heck of a lot of money that suppliers will not be paid for services rendered, parts supplied, aircraft repaired, catered, fueled, etc... All of these services were performed in good faith with an expectation of payment. So, I chuckle when I read about Delta's "cost savings" (in other words... "we're simply not going to pay that huge sum of money to all those legitimate companies that trusted us and supplied us with the essentials to keep our airline operating... for if we did we'd be out of business!")

Forgive me, but I just don't believe any company ought to be able to do that. Heck, the same can be said for the Delta employees and the loss of their pensions. That pension money was earned and it should have to be set aside and paid out. Here again, if Delta actually had to pay its obligations it would be out of business.

Tell me again why so many pilots are eager to work for Delta now that they've announced hiring? :confused:


Hypothetical question for you......
Say you are trying to refinance your mortgage rate on your house, your current rate is 9.5%. You get a better deal from a different bank at say 5%, would you refinance it? Of course you would, thus saving yourself hundreds of thousands of dollars over the life of the (30 yr) loan. Are you cheating your current lender out of his money?
DL has billions of dollars in debt. All accured by past inept management (Leo Mullin), and has shed some of its double digit interest rates down to very fair interest rates, and thus, as you put it, walking away from alot of their debt. Is it fair? Probably not, is it right, probably not!
US Air did it, UAL did it 2 x's, so did AWA 2 x's, and CAL!
What about the airlines that took the ATSB loan from the gov't?
You make some valid points, I'm just playing devils advocate!


Vne said:

If I had a dollar for every time a Delta pilot told me when my company was in BK that " you guys should do everybody a favor and go out of business" I wouldn't give a sh!t about the pension I lost....
Shoes on the other foot and now "every things right in the universe" hypocrite.
You're full of it. Why would DL pilots be at a local airport where you are flight instructing. Save your tough guy talk for the mall chicks, I'm sure they dig it!

And so was every other bankrupt airline who preceded Delta. Had they not been allowed to abuse the process, Delta might not find itself in bankruptcy. Maybe CAL, USAir, AmWest, UAL, NWA and the list goes on should no longer be in business!

So if all your buddies jumped over a cliff, you would too?
You should save yours, you'll need it later for your inflatable date!

The only thing funny is you thinking, moron! Just what the world needs, another rj puke who thinks he/she knows it all. Stick with swinging the gear for your captain junior, your in way over your head!


Old man river,

Be careful this winter, we dont want people like you slipping on the ice and breaking your hip. The "RJ pukes" will be invading your cockpit very, very soon. Comming to a cockpit near you, "RJ Puke Invasion." Try to befriend these folks, they might have some "oldies" on their Ipod for you to listen to.

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