I was 5000 about a month ago, with more coming in all the time. I would guess by the time Delta is doing more hiring, there will many, many more.
Actually, this number is probably fairly accurate. When NWA fired up hiring in 07, they only had around 5k applications, and that was after a similar period of non-hiring in the industry. They made a big deal of that fact in a press release, and all of us who'd been through more than one rodeo kind of chuckled at that, seeing as numbers in the past had been far higher.
It is a far, far different time from 1996-97 when majors had the 12-13k of apps on file. Career paths are far less certain and the mil guys are staying in for the full ride.
Even assuming that a double dip recession is on the way, the FTDT regs are less than a year away...it's going to be an interesting time.