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Delta Announces Hiring 2014

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You guys are f%*king pathetic...... you take any and every thread and just turn it into sh!t because your peckers always has to be the biggest. The industry has finally turned a corner from the replacement jets era and Delta announces the start of, probably a huge hiring boom, and all you freaking people do is derail the thread and sh!t on it. Now I know why I stopped coming to this stupid site........

I'll try to bring this thread back to topic again for those that need good info and have to make an educated decision:

I got a message from Lynn Ivy today about a class date and I believe they start on November 4th. I believe it's going to start with 50 and go from there. Did anyone on bypass talk to her and get the details? I've called most of my buds over there and also ones that are still on bypass, either in the military or here at UPS. Doesn't look like too many people are going back from big brown.....actually.... not even one said they would as of yet. Any info would be greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

It's a B Scale by definition. Two pilots working for the same company, flying the same aircraft that are payed differently. Or did you outsource your flying to a different company with lower wages ? It's pretty simple. You did both.

In exchange, you were given something. Perhaps SWA pilots need to take a little break from harassing Delta pilots for doing the same thing. At least they're hiring .....

NO NO NO my friend;) AT does not work for Southwest Airlines, it works for and owned by Southwest Holdings.
It's a B Scale by definition. Two pilots working for the same company, flying the same aircraft that are payed differently. Or did you outsource your flying to a different company with lower wages ? It's pretty simple. You did both.
I got it now. You must mean the RSW FO pilots that now have the transitioned FATS making more then them. See it's the RSW FO's that are on the B scale. They are the ones that have a pilot working for the same company,in the same seat, doing the same flying, that are JR to them making a higher rate.
The internal JetBlue board is showing quite a few guys that got the recall for a November 4th class. Looks like JetBlue will without a doubt lose a hand full or so to Big D in Nov. From the numbers I have heard we have about 40 with recall rights to Delta here at JB. I imagine 75% of those will go back eventually. I think we are losing at least 2 from the school house in MCO so there may be some instructor positions open at JB in the near future :)
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You guys are f%*king pathetic...... you take any and every thread and just turn it into sh!t because your peckers always has to be the biggest. The industry has finally turned a corner from the replacement jets era and Delta announces the start of, probably a huge hiring boom, and all you freaking people do is derail the thread and sh!t on it. Now I know why I stopped coming to this stupid site........

+1. This thread started with great news. Unfortunately, factions at not one but two different airlines have chosen to use this thread for a food fight.
Maybe I can get some LUAL and LCAL brothers to start a food fight here to make it three different airlines?
bet all the compass 400 are salivating at this. enjoy your gift in an industry that doesn't ever give any.
All bypass guys got a call. We will get our official letters in September with dates and equipment.


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