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Delta and the DC-9s

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some people on here really are drinking the koolaid. Delta is not hiring and won't be anytime soon. Don't let your buddies tell you otherwise! Doesn't mean you shouldn't be prepared in 2 years when they do start hiring, but now it is a NON ISSUE. They are getting rid of more airplanes then they are receiving; and will also be needing less crews in the future. CVG is toast late next year, besides flights to hubs.
They can flow without interviewing off the street. It is cheaper for them to flow than hire off the street as they do not need to set up a hiring dept.
Who is this guy yapping about the -190 all the time?

I think that this profession needs more airplanes that are old, loud, put out a lot of thick black smoke, rattle all the windows and set off car alarms for miles around, have steam gauges and pilots that say "unable" when they get cleared direct somewhere.

The real difference is... you could put a steam gauge pilot in an RJ and they will figure out how to fly it. Put an RJ glass cockpit guy in an old dial-a-saurus and they couldn't fly their way out of a paper-bag with all of those switches and dials everywhere. One takes a pilot.. the other takes a video game dork.

Just my .02

This is not true. I don't know what the "video game dork" record is, but the "dial-a-saurus" transition to glass is not good. Every company I've ever flown for has washed out guys transitioning from round dials to glass at a higher rate than glass-to-glass or flight instructor-to-glass. That said, I suspect this has more to do with the correlation between age and the learning process than any equipment transition.

Care to explain how you came up with your numbers?

What would be the training events if a Compass or Comair pilot just applied to Mighty Delta like the rest of the common folk and got hired?

Couldn't Delta management also go-
Lets hire every one of ExpressJet's Captains. That will cause them to come to a screeching halt and hurt our competition.
Simple Motch

1 training event for a new hire at DAL

1 Event for the CA leaving Compass or Mesaba

1 Event for a new hire first officer at Compass or Mesaba.
Also, that works but is also lowers the overall cost of the competition by getting rid of their higher paid pilots. Cheaper to pay for training events and keep resetting your WO longevity. It is ALL about money.
well said

It is ALL about money.
of course it is all about money, our own best self interest drives every economic decision anyone makes. Pilots, management, housewives at the super market. It is how the world works, Adam Smith figured it out in 1780, Wealth of Nations a great read.

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