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DAL to Nairobi....

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Currently, KLM, BA, Swiss Air, and Virgin Atlantic are the only European/Western carriers serving HKJK(NBO). The rest are carriers from the Middle East and Africa.

In 2003, it was estimated that BA alone provided Kenyan Tourism about $2.2 million/day in revenue by bringing plane-loads of tourists from the UK, Europe and US.

After the US Embassy bombings in 1998 and since Gulf War II, those numbers have decreased due to attacks on western expats. In country flying is restricted from Lamu to Mandera to Moyale, (unless you are running miraa (khat)), major towns along or near the Somali and Ethiopian borders. Must have police permissions to operate there.

BTW, You can by an AK-47 (Chinese made) in Nairobi for $12. Nairobi is relatively safe in the day for wazungu (white people) if you know where you are going, but it is dangerous at night.

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Yeah, senior people know the contract best! Just ask any widebody Captain. Wow, you are smart. Now, go take your malarone, junior, and keep reading that contract while on the toilet.

Bye Bye--General Lee

All that wit to go with it. Isn't it amazing how tough you are behind the safety of a computer keyboard!
I'm sure there are many of wide body captains who have you on their no fly list. But then again, with all the time you spend masturbating on your computer, you're probably easy to avoid on a layover!;)

Ok you two...I sense a rift amongst our Delta ranks.....Can't we go back to the good old days of calling CRJ567 a nickel whore, or jumping on Gup and his Lubbock layovers, or even telling TankerA$$clown to go and get us more coffee??

C'mon guys.....Can't we all just get along??

BTW....Mesa Sucks....
All that wit to go with it. Isn't it amazing how tough you are behind the safety of a computer keyboard!
I'm sure there are many of wide body captains who have you on their no fly list. But then again, with all the time you spend masturbating on your computer, you're probably easy to avoid on a layover!;)

Are you even a DL pilot? Captains CAN'T put FOs on a no-fly list. You didn't know that? I guess you are the one who doesn't know the rules or contract. And I would have to say that most Captains think I am hillarious and we usually go out to dinner on European layovers. You, probably not, since you are most likely ordering some pay per view X rated stuff from your hotel room alone. Enjoy that Sally!

Bye Bye--General Lee
Are you even a DL pilot?
No dumbass, the question is are YOU a DL pilot? You have no idea what seems to be going on there, and can't even make sense of the contract you fly. You give out more misinformation and claim it as fact, when in FACT you are wrong MOST of the time!

Captains CAN'T put FOs on a no-fly list. You didn't know that?
I was speaking hypothetically, you know, kind of like you do when you claim to KNOW your (supposed) contract.

I guess you are the one who doesn't know the rules or contract. And I would have to say that most Captains think I am hillarious and we usually go out to dinner on European layovers.
And yet with all that time you "claim" to spend in Europe on your fabulous layovers, you're spending more time whacking off on your computer spewing out more than 13000 posts of complete misinformation.

You, probably not, since you are most likely ordering some pay per view X rated stuff from your hotel room alone. Enjoy that Sally!

Bye Bye--General Lee
Enjoy the tough talk mini mouse! I'm sure one of the few names I read in the overhead about being doosh bags are yours. Next time when on that FANTASTIC layover try not spending all your hard earned money on those male hookers......:smash::blush:
No dumbass, the question is are YOU a DL pilot? You have no idea what seems to be going on there, and can't even make sense of the contract you fly. You give out more misinformation and claim it as fact, when in FACT you are wrong MOST of the time!

I was speaking hypothetically, you know, kind of like you do when you claim to KNOW your (supposed) contract.

And yet with all that time you "claim" to spend in Europe on your fabulous layovers, you're spending more time whacking off on your computer spewing out more than 13000 posts of complete misinformation.

Enjoy the tough talk mini mouse! I'm sure one of the few names I read in the overhead about being doosh bags are yours. Next time when on that FANTASTIC layover try not spending all your hard earned money on those male hookers......:smash::blush:

I love it! HYPOTHETICALLY you were WRONG...... Whatver dude or lady, you were WRONG and you know it. Get off your all knowing high horse. Oh yeah, HYPOTHETICALLY I was just joking about all of the other stuff. Great excuse!

Bye Bye--General Lee
I love it! HYPOTHETICALLY you were WRONG...... Whatver dude or lady, you were WRONG and you know it. Get off your all knowing high horse. Oh yeah, HYPOTHETICALLY I was just joking about all of the other stuff. Great excuse!

Bye Bye--General Lee

You're still a chicken ******************** hiding behind a computer.
How about another 1000 posts so you can take a break from your male prostitudes!
Now that would be FANTASTIC!
Bye Bye genital lee!
You're still a chicken ******************** hiding behind a computer.
How about another 1000 posts so you can take a break from your male prostitudes!
Now that would be FANTASTIC!
Bye Bye genital lee!

Check it out! I have unleashed a MONSTER! I caught him not knowing common bidding, and he is going NUTS! Run for your lives! HELP!!!!

Bye Bye--General Lee
Darn General, you are still talking $hit, how many post are you up to here on flightinfo? uba757
Darn General, you are still talking $hit, how many post are you up to here on flightinfo? uba757

I have been on this site for YEARS. I enjoy it too. What is wrong with doing something that you enjoy? I have other interests and hobbies too, but I actually enjoy aviation debate, and I win most of the time. It is natural for me.

Bye Bye--General Lee

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