For the sake of conversation ___ what would YOU have the evil senior CMR pilots do to help our junior brothers and sisters?
How about that flow through? Would you be satisfied if we had given you what the Eagle pilots gave the AA pilots? Would you "love us" today had we done that or would you be doing to us exactly what the AA pilots are doing to the Eagle pilots?
If we had cut a flow through deal with you (back then), would it have included our senior pilots flowing to the bottom of your list and your junior pilots flowing back to the top of our list in the left seat or would you have been willing to flow back to the bottom of our list?
What would be the proper "ratios" in your idea of a good flow through? Would we all "flow" before you hired off the street or would 1 of us flow for every 3 that you hire elsewhere, while you flow back to the left seat one-for-one?
This flow through offer (the one your MEC lied about making), would it have been "just for Comair" or were they offering it to ALL DCI carriers?
Which one of "us" (DCI) was going to "flow first"? ASA, BEX, CMR or SKYW? Would you have added ACA and CHQ when they came on board, or was this just a "special deal" for Comair?
Since we only had +- 1000 pilots "back then" and since you furloughed 1300 pilots, who would be flying the CMR RJs today? Would it be our pilots or your pilots? Where would the 700 pilots we've hired since then be working today?
Where would Comair's "junior pilots", you know, the one's you are accusing us seniors of harming, be working today? Do you think they would have been at CMR or would they be sending resumes to Great Lakes?
What exactly was the preferential hiring that you "offered'? Did your management agree to that? Or, did your MEC Chairman just "offer" a deal that he couldn't make? Would we have been "preferred" ahead of the ASA guys or after them? How would our "preference" stack up against the military network at your place.... would we be "preferred" to them or "preferred" after them?
If we had agreed to a staple on your terms (back when), who would be flying our airplanes today? Would your furloughees be flying them? Do you think P38lightning would be employed at Comair?
Would you have been willing to give us one (1) seniority number, on the bottom of your list, for every six (6) you hired off the street? You know, like the "deal" you gave some of the junior PanAm pilots?
Do you think our junior pilots would be better off today if, instead of harming them as you say we are, the seniors had cut a deal with your MEC to give 50% of the Captain vacancies to furloughed Delta pilots and to pay your furloughed pilots the highest FO rates and give them half of those vacancies too? That's what the "seniors" did at USAirGroup, and Mesa, and Chautauqua, and TSA. Maybe you think Comair's senior pilots should do the same thing here, so that your furloughed pilots can get those slots? Is that how we should "help our juniors"?
And by the way, just so you'll know, the legendary "system chief pilot" that you mention in your posts, was not a system chief pilot. As a matter of fact when he was given the title of "chief pilot" he was so "junior" that he could not qualify to legally hold the position under FAR rules. So he got the "title" and someone else covered for him on the paper work. So please, spare us the crowing about what he told you and how much he knows about how senior CMR pilots hurt our juniors. It's a bunch of crap.
He's not a bad guy, and yes, I do know who he is. He meant well and he did a pretty good job while he was here. He was a good Marine and a good pilot and a nice guy, but don't pan him off as a pillar of wisdom who knows what's best for CMR pilots. He wasn't that when he was here and he isn't that now. Just let him do his job and be a good Delta pilot. Don't waste time making him out to be what he was not. You have a big audience on this board and not all of us came here yesterday.
Some of us know a whole lot more about what's really gone down over the years than the skuttle but that you've "heard" in your management meetings, your crew lounges, or from you DMEC contacts.
Your efforts to help your furloughed pilots are commendable and you seem to be a "nice guy" with good intentions. Leave it at that and stop trying so hard to blow smoke up the butts of our junior pilots. Try to remember that "The road to hell and back is paved with good intentions." The truth is you're a relatively junior pilot yourself and if your rhetoric is indicative of how you really think, you believe way to much of what you "hear" from your own seniors and from your management. Don't be so gullible. As someone way smarter than me once said, "Believe none of what you hear and only 'half of what you see." That's good advice. I suggest you take it.
Don't forget my opening question, please. Tell me what YOU think the senior CMR pilots should do (for you) so that we don't "harm our junior pilots". I'd really like to know.
For the sake of conversation ___ what would YOU have the evil senior CMR pilots do to help our junior brothers and sisters?
Instead of all of this bickering, we could have had a flow through or preferential hiring for you--
How about that flow through? Would you be satisfied if we had given you what the Eagle pilots gave the AA pilots? Would you "love us" today had we done that or would you be doing to us exactly what the AA pilots are doing to the Eagle pilots?
If we had cut a flow through deal with you (back then), would it have included our senior pilots flowing to the bottom of your list and your junior pilots flowing back to the top of our list in the left seat or would you have been willing to flow back to the bottom of our list?
What would be the proper "ratios" in your idea of a good flow through? Would we all "flow" before you hired off the street or would 1 of us flow for every 3 that you hire elsewhere, while you flow back to the left seat one-for-one?
This flow through offer (the one your MEC lied about making), would it have been "just for Comair" or were they offering it to ALL DCI carriers?
Which one of "us" (DCI) was going to "flow first"? ASA, BEX, CMR or SKYW? Would you have added ACA and CHQ when they came on board, or was this just a "special deal" for Comair?
Since we only had +- 1000 pilots "back then" and since you furloughed 1300 pilots, who would be flying the CMR RJs today? Would it be our pilots or your pilots? Where would the 700 pilots we've hired since then be working today?
Where would Comair's "junior pilots", you know, the one's you are accusing us seniors of harming, be working today? Do you think they would have been at CMR or would they be sending resumes to Great Lakes?
What exactly was the preferential hiring that you "offered'? Did your management agree to that? Or, did your MEC Chairman just "offer" a deal that he couldn't make? Would we have been "preferred" ahead of the ASA guys or after them? How would our "preference" stack up against the military network at your place.... would we be "preferred" to them or "preferred" after them?
If we had agreed to a staple on your terms (back when), who would be flying our airplanes today? Would your furloughees be flying them? Do you think P38lightning would be employed at Comair?
Would you have been willing to give us one (1) seniority number, on the bottom of your list, for every six (6) you hired off the street? You know, like the "deal" you gave some of the junior PanAm pilots?
Do you think our junior pilots would be better off today if, instead of harming them as you say we are, the seniors had cut a deal with your MEC to give 50% of the Captain vacancies to furloughed Delta pilots and to pay your furloughed pilots the highest FO rates and give them half of those vacancies too? That's what the "seniors" did at USAirGroup, and Mesa, and Chautauqua, and TSA. Maybe you think Comair's senior pilots should do the same thing here, so that your furloughed pilots can get those slots? Is that how we should "help our juniors"?
And by the way, just so you'll know, the legendary "system chief pilot" that you mention in your posts, was not a system chief pilot. As a matter of fact when he was given the title of "chief pilot" he was so "junior" that he could not qualify to legally hold the position under FAR rules. So he got the "title" and someone else covered for him on the paper work. So please, spare us the crowing about what he told you and how much he knows about how senior CMR pilots hurt our juniors. It's a bunch of crap.
He's not a bad guy, and yes, I do know who he is. He meant well and he did a pretty good job while he was here. He was a good Marine and a good pilot and a nice guy, but don't pan him off as a pillar of wisdom who knows what's best for CMR pilots. He wasn't that when he was here and he isn't that now. Just let him do his job and be a good Delta pilot. Don't waste time making him out to be what he was not. You have a big audience on this board and not all of us came here yesterday.
Some of us know a whole lot more about what's really gone down over the years than the skuttle but that you've "heard" in your management meetings, your crew lounges, or from you DMEC contacts.
Your efforts to help your furloughed pilots are commendable and you seem to be a "nice guy" with good intentions. Leave it at that and stop trying so hard to blow smoke up the butts of our junior pilots. Try to remember that "The road to hell and back is paved with good intentions." The truth is you're a relatively junior pilot yourself and if your rhetoric is indicative of how you really think, you believe way to much of what you "hear" from your own seniors and from your management. Don't be so gullible. As someone way smarter than me once said, "Believe none of what you hear and only 'half of what you see." That's good advice. I suggest you take it.
Don't forget my opening question, please. Tell me what YOU think the senior CMR pilots should do (for you) so that we don't "harm our junior pilots". I'd really like to know.