No, the rumor is, 3C is looking to acquire Air Midwest from Mesa. No Details have been heard. Any pilots caught posting on this board are going to be reassigned to 1900's out of MCI, right seat of course.
Of the Eight new hires from the last
class...2 washed and 2 never showed
for IOE...
Not rumor, two more line holding FOs
Net gain? Two fos to fill about 8
and some of the fo's that have been
doing so much open time to help
themselves to some easy money
are now seeing fouled-up paychecks
and having to fight to get the open
time pay they worked for, so they're
not really very happy.
"there is nothing new under the sun"
some old jewish guy...Solomon?
whatever, it was a long time ago.
I have heard that some of the
folks have seen the kick in per
diem! At last something positive
for the flightcrews at corpex!
Now, if we can just get onto the
published payscale! Please!!!
And what of the Air Midwest thing???
There has been talk of some travel
by folks from HQ...Maybe...heck,
perhaps DFW is a good place to go on
vacation in August!!!
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