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Cool controllers

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Flibmeister said:
Actually, no. If the supervisor investigating such a loss of separation finds that the controller clearly intended for you to be where you were, he couldn't care less about whether there's a "cleared..." on the tape-- heck, he probably wouldn't even notice it.

In my 25 year ATC career, almost all pilot violations that went to FSDO (or GADO, or ACDO) were extremely solid ones that also caused a loss of separation-- altitude busts, etc. It's a lot easier to just write up the controller than to convince a FSDO inspector to pursue a case against a pilot who was doing exactly what he was told to do-- particularly if the controller used improper phraseology to tell him!

That said, I agree that "affirmative", without a call sign, was insufficient and required further confirmation.
Well thats a good thing to know.

Call me paranoid, but I'm always worried about busting some kinda reg somewhere...thats probably why I like knowing what the controllers of the world are thinking too. Kinda lets you into the "other side" mindset. Always a good thing for comparison...

Thanks for the post and the info!

BUZZ at ATL Approach is the best! I recall when we lost a Brasilia in BQK years ago Buzz came down to operations w/ a sympathy card. Class act!

I was on an FAA site, ATL FSDO perhaps, and clicked on ATL Approach, which had a selection for celebrity cpntrollers. Clicked on that, and there was Buzz and Smiley, who is probablly the opposite of Buzz. Both, however, are very good controllers.
Flyingdutchman said:
I check in with her every Sunday morning (0600)! She always makes me wonder what she looks like.. This last time she asked me to contact her at 128.** and my response to that was: “Wouldn’t it be easier if I just call you on your cell?” She chuckled a few time on that one..
Trust me...just keep wondering. I used to be based out of an airport with quite a few female controllers. I talked to them everyday for several months, and then one day went to the tower/tracon to visit. Well, it was at that point I realized I should have just kept wondering, and NOT made that trip up there....it ruined everything for me! :D Of course, I'm sure they felt the exact same way!
I know that it has been said, already. But, I have to say that roger, in Chicago, is the coolest. I checked in, the other day, and we spent 10 minutes chatting about our dogs. (He owns Greyhounds, and I have a Cattle Dog/Sheppard, mix). I am sure that there were plenty of people that were p!ssed, they couldn't get a word in, edgewise. But hey, life is about the simple, little pleasures. (Take them, where you can get them!).

FracCapt said:
Trust me...just keep wondering.
that's no joke.

years ago the airport i flight instructed at had one controller, her voice just melted you. made hours of touch-n-goes so much more tolerable. took some students to visit the tower one afternoon, and there she was. about as wide as tall, and had a thicker mustache than i could ever dream of growing!
Well if ya've flowin' round ATL ya might have run into BUZZ.
He is an icon 'round here and well respected.
Long time ago he vectored us thru WX. We were little tense, and he was cool as a cucumber. He got us thru and bid us farwell....Thanx Buzz.
You know I always wanted to hear:

"Well it's 2257 zulu and it's time for information mike, I'm your host..."

so far no one has done it ;)
The evening ramp controler (Foxtrot & Ghetto gates) at IAD is awesome, great sence of humor in the best monotone controller vioce
English said:
What controllers have you been talking to? I also work in Hawaii, and those guys are about as laid-back as one can get. That's a very perplexing statement you make. I've have really good interaction with the HI controllers, a conversation every now and then - always very very helpful friendly and professional.

You want uptight? Go fly the East Coast for a while...

Hey hey hey malHALO bro dont be dissing the real coast:rolleyes:
We had IMC two days ago around PHX. It's such a rare thing here that we moved a planned xc to TUS in order to take advantage of the IMC.

My CFI told me that they were having probs with PHX TRACON getting clearances out of our non-towered field, but I gave it a shot.

The controller I spoke with was very accomodating, but couldn't give me a void time of more than 2-3 minutes. He asked if I had a cell and advised me to call back after I had done the run-up and was ready for a immediate take-off.

I did so, and he gave me a 1.5 minute void time!! We made it, (with about 1 minute to spare) but I had been told to expect serious delays and NO cooperation from the PHX TRACON guys.

This fella went the extra mile for me and I really appreciated it. It was my first flight in actual and what a rush!!! I was more stoked than I was after my first solo.....what blast!

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