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Cool controllers

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Haven't heard him in a while, but Buzz in ATL is cool.

"Candler 551, cleared ILS 26 Right, tower at Ajjay, Grrrrreat day sir!!!"

Don't know how anybody can be that chipper all the time.
The guys at ORD make me laugh. The other when it was really busy (I know, what else is new) The ground was like "Hey everybody remember the golden rule here in Chicago. Moving airplane good; Stopped airplane bad." Cracked me up.
2000flyer said:
FN...you talking about Roger P.?
Yea, that's him! I've had breakfast with Roger over at the jet room in MSN. Heard his voice over at another table and introduced myself to him by giving him my flight number. He enjoys being part of our coffee klatch in the morining when he's working 8 or 9 of our flights northbound.

MSNFlier said:
Even though I know I'm biased, the controllers at MSN are very friendly and there's one fellow in particular who has such a unique "(commercial) radio" voice, I would think he could have made big bucks doing that, instead.
I think I know who you are talking about, he leases us a hanger out at the drop zone and has another hanger at the airport as well. I don't remember what airplane he owns, but he is one heck of a nice guy in person as well.
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English said:
In all three instances you cited, you were the problem, not the controller.

In the first instance, you admit that you couldn't tell what the controller assigned to you, so, instead of querying him, you just flew whatever you wanted.

In the second instance, the controller clearly gave you a clearance into the class B. What's the problem?

In the last example, you filed a flight plan over the radio instead of by phone, tying up the frequency.
I'll agree with you on #1 and #3, but the "Cleared into the Bravo" is what the controller should have said. He had every right and reason to request the "magic words".

Its the same that controllers have asked people on ground to "say the magic words (hold short)".

Just as responding to "hold short runway 7 landing traffic" with "roger" doesn't cut it, neither does vectors and an altitude for a Class B clearance.

I guess my response to "what part of affirmative don't you understand?" would have been something similar to:
"...the part where I need your initials, your sup's name and a phone number. And while you're at it I need to hear 'cleared into the bravo' thanks."

Not really something to get the guy/gal in trouble for with the sup, but definately something to straighten out. Its not their ticket on the line, its yours.

But thats MHO.

Anywho...cool controllers?

There's a guy at KYNG where I did my primary training who is awesome. Seems like he'll do almost anything to help ya out. From short approaches, to landing on a "wrong" runway to save some time, to putting us in the computer so we had flight following the whole flight.

Last time I flew out there was a (late) night XC. I was out to an uncontrolled field to the east and then up to CLE. On the way back in he was working the whole thing (approach, local and ground) and basically asked me what I wanted. So we got straight in to runway 14 (even switched the ILS so I could monitor the LOC) taxi all the way down the runway, he even called FSS to close out my VFR flight plan for me while I taxied in. Awesome guy!

Unfortunately you also have some guys out there that seem like they're just DYING to violate someone....oh well.

Good point about the magic words.

While I was always taught to do the same, and would have been uptight about that as a student, I've learned since that in the real world, if I ask a controller a question and he answers in the affirmative, that is good enough for me. I'm not going to get all tied up in the semantics.

But, as a student pilot, I agree 100% that you must hear the magic words "cleared into the class bravo."
BoilerUP said:
There's an approach controller at LEX that always says "Good afternooooooooon" when you check on. Always given me whatever whack-job request I've asked for.

Also was on my way back into LAF one night IFR and Chicago Center cleared me for the GPS 28. Once I got on the ground I called them on the radio to cancel and the controller said "Tell my son to get out of the bars and go study." Got a healthy laugh out of that one.
I think I know the guy you're talking about...I picked up a buddy a couple years ago in MDW to party in LAF and we were talking s*it on the way home and got off course, which the controller noticed....

Controller: 55908, you know you're heading to CMI now, right?
Us: uhhhhhhh, yeah, we see that
Controller: You go to Purdue?
Us: uhhhhhhh, yeah.
Controller: Well, my son is going to purdue in the fall and I hope they don't teach him how to fly like that!

It was 55908, so maybe I can blame it on that, but the reality is I'm a crappy pilot.
English said:
Good point about the magic words.

While I was always taught to do the same, and would have been uptight about that as a student, I've learned since that in the real world, if I ask a controller a question and he answers in the affirmative, that is good enough for me. I'm not going to get all tied up in the semantics.

But, as a student pilot, I agree 100% that you must hear the magic words "cleared into the class bravo."

Good point. As student pilots, you expect to hear everything by the book ("Cessna, 69ME, cleared into the Bravo"). As professional pilots, you see the radio as what it is......two way communication.

"Am I cleared into the bravo?"......"Affirmative"

Who else would he be talking to?

f*ck it.
PTK people are good, my dad trained a lot of them that came from DTW when my pops was at Metro...... Metro has some great guys too

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